
CMLL (SUN) 10/23/2022 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Arena Coliseo Guadalajara]
1) Cosmos, Eclipse, Pantera Azul b Espartaco, Jabalí, Signo Azteca *
2) Sexi Sol b Atenea *
3) Cris Skin, Demonio Maya, Principe Daniel b Bestia Negra, Guerrero de la Muerte, Ráfaga *
4) Ángel Rebelde & Halcón Negro Jr. b Optimus & Trono *
5) Adrenalina, Explosivo, Flash DQ Difunto, Furia Roja, Satánico *
rudos threw Adrenalina into the ref for the DQ, then stomped him

Event Notes: Noon free show for cancer awareness. Other matches not taped and no results listed.

Last Updated: 2025-01-29 13:04:34

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