
DTU (SUN) 01/25/2015 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [Black Terry Jr. (flickr), TerceraCaida]
1) Lokillo b Ángel Jr., Pegazus, Adrenalina (Guadalajara)
2) Black Fire & Slayer Pack b Génesis & Paranoiko and Amo de la Noche & Calibuz and Corazón Latino & Hormiga
3) Artikus & Rocky Lobo b Ángel o Demonio & Ovett
4) Flamita b Lanzeloth, Drastik Boy DTU Flamita vs Draztick Boy vs Lanzeloth 25-01-15 (posted by TVLuchaMundial)
said to be a very good match. Lanceloth asked Drastick Boy for a Alto Impacto title shot, and Drastick accepted for 02/19 back in Tulancingo
5) El Chato, El Junior, El Nene b Cíclope, Crazy King, Miedo Extremo
Calibuz helped his Los Malkriados. Appeared the feud was just starting.
6) Aero Boy, Pesadilla, Violento Jack b Jimmy, Kevin, Tony
First year DTU wrestlers defeat Los Nerds

Last Updated: 2025-01-22 05:45:03

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