Pegaso II


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
CMLL Opener Regular tecnico 1983-02-27 1983-04-24
CMLL Top Regular tecnico 1984-08-12 1990-01-26
CMLL Top Regular tecnico 1990-05-27 2002-04-01

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 717

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Pegasso 1989-01-01 2000-01-18 --- --- --- 1937
Pegasso 2000-01-18 2002-01-01 --- --- --- 19820
El Pegaso II 1982-01-01 2002-04-01 --- --- --- 17235
Pegaso II 1982-01-01 2002-04-01 --- --- --- 1603

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2001-10-04 Arena Neza Explosivo & Pegasso vs Koreano & Vaquerito
2001-10-07 Arena Coliseo Pegasso & Sakura vs Koreano & Súper Comando
2001-10-28 Arena Coliseo Alacrán De Durango, Flecha, Pegaso II b El Koreano, Jeque, Príncipe Negro
2001-11-04 Arena Coliseo Corcel & Pegaso II b Siki Ozama Jr. & Súper Comando
2001-11-11 Arena Coliseo El Koreano & Príncipe Negro b Pegaso II & Zetta
2001-11-25 Arena Coliseo Pegaso II vs Príncipe Negro
2001-12-23 Arena Coliseo Pegaso II & Rayo Tapatío I vs Príncipe Negro & Súper Comando
2002-01-06 Arena Coliseo Flecha & Pegaso II b El Koreano & Príncipe Negro
2002-01-20 Arena Coliseo Jeque & Príncipe Negro b Pegaso II & Sombra de Plata
2002-02-03 Arena Coliseo Mandíbula & Masada b Explosivo & Pegaso II
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
1992-05-24 CMLL on Televisa Arkángel de la Muerte, El Enjambre, Marabunta b Eclipse, Guerrero Samurai II, Pegasso *
1993-04-24 CMLL on Televisa Kundra & Pegasso b Lynx & Rey Bucanero * Kundra/Pegaso vs Lynx/Rey Bucanero (CMLL April 24th, 1993) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
1989-12-15 Arena Coliseo Rocco Valente b Pegasso Rocco Valente vs El Pegaso (CMLL December 17th, 1989) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Rocco Valente vs. Pegaso (posted by rnrwrasslin)
1992-08-07 Arena Coliseo Escudero Rojo & Halcón Negro b Guerrero Samurai II & Pegasso Halcon Negro/Escudero Rojo vs El Pegaso/Guerrero Samurai (CMLL August 8th, 1992) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)
Rudos submitted Samurai to win the second.
1993-04-23 Arena Coliseo Kundra & Pegasso b Lynx & Rey Bucanero * Kundra/Pegaso vs Lynx/Rey Bucanero (CMLL April 24th, 1993) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)
*** 1/2. Tecnicos took 1/3.
1993-05-14 Arena Coliseo Escudero Rojo & Rey Bucanero b Pegasso & Ultimátum Escudero Rojo/Rey Bucanero vs Pegaso/Ultimatum (CMLL May 15th, 1993) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Rey Bucanero/Escudero Rojo v. Ultimatum/Pegaso (posted by dataintcash)
** 1/2. Rudos won falls 2/3.
1994-09-20 Arena Coliseo Escudero Rojo, Rey Bucanero, Reyes Veloz DQ El Mestizo, Olimpus, Pegasso CMLL TV (October 9th, 1994) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)
1995-02-14 Arena Coliseo Olimpus, Pegasso, Ultimátum b America, Babe Richard, El Fiero CMLL TV (February 18th, 1995) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)
1996-06-25 Arena Coliseo El Supremo II, Kundra, Nuevo Lynx b Ángel de Plata, Kung Fu Jr., Pegasso CMLL TV (June 29th, 1996) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL)

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Last Updated: 2025-02-28 02:17 AM CST '