Octagoncito (2019)

LuchaWiki: http://www.luchawiki.org/index.php?title=Octagoncito_(2019)

Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
AAA Opener Regular tecnico 2017-06-30 2020-04-18
AAA Opener Regular tecnico 2020-10-17 2023-01-07

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 5021

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Dragón Solar 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 11420
Octagoncito 2019-06-30 current --- --- --- 14193
Octagoncito (2019) 2019-06-30 current --- --- --- 15220

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2023-01-07 Tlatlauquitepec, Puebla Octagoncito & Reyna Dorada vs Lady Maravilla & Parkita Negra
2023-09-19 Gimnasio Coatepec, Coatepec, Veracruz La Parkita & Octagoncito vs Mini Head Hunter I & Mini Head Hunter II
2023-10-28 Auditorio del Espi, Chiautempan, Tlaxcala Dragón Kid & Octagoncito vs Mini Murder Clown & Mini Psycho Clown I
2024-01-26 Zocalo, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal Dragón Solar, Obelyus, Rey Espectrito DRAW Piraña, Reiyel, Zenky Rey Espectrito/Dragon Solar/Obelyus vs Piraña/Zenky/Sangre Nueva BIG LUCHA/ZOCALO CDMX (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
A time limit draw of a different kind; match was stopped due to daily ceremonial lowering of the Mexican flag, and didn't resume.
2024-07-14 Palenque, Pachuca, Hidalgo Máscarita Sagrada, Mini Vikingo, Octagoncito b Drago Kid, Mini Monsther Clown, Rey Espectrito  (posted by mluchatv) Mascarita Sagrada, Octagoncito y Mini Vikingo vs Drago Kid, Mini Monsther y Rey Espectrito | DTU (posted by mluchatv)
2024-07-31 Lienzao Charro Santa Maria de Los Lagos, Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco Alfa & Mini Psycho Clown vs Golden Power & Octagoncito Mini Psycho Clown, Alfa vs Octagoncito, Golden Power ( Lucha Completa ) Feria Lagos 2024 (posted by lucha libre select 11)
2024-08-14 Centro de Convenciones, Zacapoaxtla, Puebla Mini Vikingo & Octagoncito vs Mini Murder Clown & Mini Psycho
2024-08-29 Caele al Puno, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Dinamic Fly, Dragón Solar, Dragón Suicida vs Orgullo, Visionario, X-Devil Jr.
2024-08-29 Utopía Cuauhtlicalli, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Hijo De Pentagoncito, Mini Murder Clown, Rey Espectrito, Uzumaki vs Cósmico, Dragón Solar, Osiris, Ysolaris Caele al punto con el INJUVE | Función completa (posted by mluchatv)
2024-10-14 Teatro del Puebla, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas Máscarita Sagrada, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata, Sexy Star b Drago Kid, Dulce Canela, Mini Psicosis, Mirvan La Secta Cibernética vs Dr. Wagner Jr. y los Vipers | DTU-Ciudad Victoria-Caravana Estrellas Eternas (posted by mluchatv)
Upcoming Matches
2025-04-16 Tampico, Tamaulipas Drago Kid & Octagoncito vs Hijo De Pentagoncito & Mini Psicosis

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2021-04-17 AAA on Space Arez, Látigo, Parkita Negra b Aramis, Niño Hamburguesa, Octagoncito *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
2021-04-24 AAA on Space Aramis, Myzteziz Jr., Octagoncito b Carta Brava Jr., Mocho Cota Jr., Tito Santana *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive))
2021-09-04 AAA on Space Chik Tormenta & La Hiedra b Drago Kid & Octagoncito *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Chik Tormenta & La Hiedra vs Drago Kid & Octagoncito (posted by luchablogdos) HIEDRA y TORMENTA: BELLEZA y RUDEZA en TEMIXCO | LUCHA COMPLETA | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) REVANCHA de TRIPLEMANÍA | TEMIXCO 1 PROGRAMA COMPLETO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2022-01-22 AAA on Space La Parkita & Octagoncito b La Parkita Negra & Mini Gronda *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) 20211219aaa_match1La Parkita & Octagoncito vs La Parkita Negra & Mini Gronda.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) CIUDAD DE MÉXICO: PARTE 1 | Gira del 30 Aniversario de LUCHA LIBRE AAA WORLDWIDE (posted by luchalibreaaatv) LA PARKITA Y OCTAGONCITO VS PARKITA NEGRA Y MINI GRONDA (posted by hector godfrey)
2022-11-12 AAA on Space Octagoncito & Sussy Love b Mini Psycho Clown & Reina Dorada * 20221008aaa_match2Octagoncito & Sussy Love vs Mini Psycho Clown & Reina Dorada.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) PUEBLA 1 | Gira 30 Aniversario de Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2022-08-27 Plaza de Toros La Concordia, Orizaba, Veracruz Black Maravilla, La Parkita, Octagoncito b La Parkita Negra, Mini Psycho Clown, Rey Cobra MINI PSYCHO CLOWN LA PARKITA NEGRA Y REY COBRA VS LA PARKITA OCTAGONCITO Y BLACK MARAVILLA (posted by LUCHALIBREFANS)
2022-09-25 Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo, Puebla, Puebla Mini Canis Lupus, Octagoncito, Parkita vs Espectrito, Mini Psycho Clown, Parkita Negra Minis AAA: Parkita, Octagoncito  y Mini Canis Lupus Vs Mini Psycho Clown, Parkita Negra y Espectrito (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
2022-10-08 Explanada Malltertainment, Puebla, Puebla Octagoncito & Sussy Love b Mini Psycho Clown & Reina Dorada * 20221008aaa_match2Octagoncito & Sussy Love vs Mini Psycho Clown & Reina Dorada.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) PUEBLA 1 | Gira 30 Aniversario de Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2022-10-27 Palenque de la Feria, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas Burrito, La Parkita, Octagoncito b Mini Monster Clown, Mini Murder Clown, Resplandor Facebook video (posted by ) Facebook video (posted by )
2022-10-30 Coliseo La Conordia, Orizaba, Veracruz Danger, La Parkita, Octagoncito vs Mini Psycho, Parkita Negra, Rey Cobra Mini Psycho/Parkita Negra/Rey Cobra vs Octagoncito/Parkita/Danger PSYCHO PROMOCIONES (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2024-01-26 Zocalo, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal Dragón Solar, Obelyus, Rey Espectrito DRAW Piraña, Reiyel, Zenky Rey Espectrito/Dragon Solar/Obelyus vs Piraña/Zenky/Sangre Nueva BIG LUCHA/ZOCALO CDMX (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
A time limit draw of a different kind; match was stopped due to daily ceremonial lowering of the Mexican flag, and didn't resume.
2024-07-14 Palenque, Pachuca, Hidalgo Máscarita Sagrada, Mini Vikingo, Octagoncito b Drago Kid, Mini Monsther Clown, Rey Espectrito  (posted by mluchatv) Mascarita Sagrada, Octagoncito y Mini Vikingo vs Drago Kid, Mini Monsther y Rey Espectrito | DTU (posted by mluchatv)
2024-07-31 Lienzao Charro Santa Maria de Los Lagos, Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco Alfa & Mini Psycho Clown vs Golden Power & Octagoncito Mini Psycho Clown, Alfa vs Octagoncito, Golden Power ( Lucha Completa ) Feria Lagos 2024 (posted by lucha libre select 11)
2024-08-29 Utopía Cuauhtlicalli, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Hijo De Pentagoncito, Mini Murder Clown, Rey Espectrito, Uzumaki vs Cósmico, Dragón Solar, Osiris, Ysolaris Caele al punto con el INJUVE | Función completa (posted by mluchatv)
2024-10-14 Teatro del Puebla, Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas Máscarita Sagrada, Octagoncito, Pimpinela Escarlata, Sexy Star b Drago Kid, Dulce Canela, Mini Psicosis, Mirvan La Secta Cibernética vs Dr. Wagner Jr. y los Vipers | DTU-Ciudad Victoria-Caravana Estrellas Eternas (posted by mluchatv)

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2020-11-01 Autodromo Hermano Rodriguez, Magdalena Mixhuca, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Laredo Boy & Laredo Kid vs Octagón Jr. & Octagoncito * ¡DE TERROR! DÍA DE MUERTOS en Auto Luchas AAA Episodio 6 | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) NUNCA HAS VISTO UNA LUCHA ASÍ | Auto Luchas AAA | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) great
2019-12-14 Domo Madero, Ciudad Madero, Tamaulipas Aramis, Dinastía, Octagoncito b Arez, Mini Psycho Clown, Parkita Negra * GUERRA DE TITANES 2019 Parte 1 en CIUDAD MADERO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
9:48. Dinastia pinned Mini Psycho CLown.

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Last Updated: 2025-03-26 02:26 AM CDT '