Magnum Tokyo


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
CMLL Mid Regular tecnico 1997-10-01 1998-06-01
IWRG Mid Regular tecnico 1997-06-08 1998-10-04

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 974

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Magnum Tokyo 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 1984

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
1998-08-23 Arena Naucalpan Judo Suwa, Shiima Nobunaga, Sumo Fuji b Magnum Tokyo, Pantera, Star Boy
1998-08-30 Arena Naucalpan Pantera DCO Magnum Tokyo
1998-09-13 Arena Naucalpan Black Warrior, Shiima Nobunaga, Villano III b Magnum Tokyo, Mr. Niebla (IWRG), Pantera
1998-09-16 Arena Naucalpan Magnum Tokyo, Star Boy, Torero DQ Bombero Infernal, Sumo Fuji, Villano III
1998-09-20 Arena Naucalpan Dr. Cerebro, Mr. Niebla (IWRG), Villano III b Magnum Tokyo, Pantera, Súper Crazy
1998-09-27 Arena Naucalpan Magnum Tokyo, Pantera, Yasushi Kanda DQ El Hijo Del Gladiador, Maniacop, Mr. Niebla (IWRG)
1998-10-04 Arena Naucalpan Mr. Niebla (IWRG) b Magnum Tokyo © [IWRG IC MIDDLE]
1998-10-24 Palacio de los Deportes, Iztacalco, Distrito Federal Negro Casas & Scorpió Jr. vs Magnum Tokyo & Tajiri
1999-02-05 Osaka Prefectural Gymnasium, Osaka, Japan Shiima Nobunaga © b Magnum Tokyo [IWRG IC WELTER]
1999-07-18 Palacio de los Deportes, Iztacalco, Distrito Federal Negro Casas & Scorpió Jr. b Magnum Tokyo & Tajiri Guerra de Naciones (July 18th, 1999) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Negro Casas & Scorpio Jr vs Tajiri & Magnum Tokyo (posted by Lucha Click)
Scorpio jr and Tokyo open the match trading some holds and moves, then Negro Casas and Tajiri do some more matwork, at some point, Negro low blows Tajiri ( Negro 440 kicked the middle rope while Tajiri was entering the ring- ouch!!), but the referees didn't see it. Magnum dominates Negro and then he and Tajiri take turns at working on Negro's left leg, Negro hints a comeback with some kicks, but Tajiri kicks him off the top turnbuckle and then nails him with a second rope quebrada!! They made it back to the ring and Tajiri gets a 2 count after a powerbomb, another powerbomb... but Negro escapes over the Japanese head and hits a clothesline for a 2 count, casita... Magnum made the save, another casita attempt, Tajiri blocks, delivers a casita of his own but Scopio is the one with the save now... Scorpio and Magnum take over fighting, and trading some near falls, Negro hits a clothesline on his partner so the rudo said it was enough and attacked Casas, the Japanese teamed up on him and Tajiri used a german suplex with pin to put Scorpio out. Negro had to go vs both Japanese by himself now...Magnum takes him to the top turnbuckle and performs frankensteiner, Negro kicks out at 2, Negro reacts with some choke holds but the Japanese counters with a stunner, then, out of nowhere, Negro does la Casita to defeat Magnum Tokyo. Tajiri enters to continue working on Negro's leg, Negro reaches the ropes and then decks Tajiri with a clothesline and uses the scorpio death lock to take the match, Scorpio attacks Negro after that.
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
1997-08-17 Arena Naucalpan Dr. Cerebro b Olímpico, Astro Rey Jr., Solar I, Fantasy, Judo Suwa, Magnum Tokyo, Taka Michinoku, Sumo Fuji, Shiima Nobunaga [Copa High Power] Suwa/Don Fuji/M. Tokyo/CIMA/T. Michinoku vs Olimpico/Astro Ray Jr/Solar/Fantasy/Dr Cerebro (IWRG) (posted by Roy Lucier)
Dr. Cerebro beat Judo Suwa
1997-11-14 Arena México Judo Suwa, Shiima Nobunaga, Sumo Fuji b Little Dragón, Magnum Tokyo, Ryo Saito Magnum Tokyo & Saito & Little Dragon vs Shiima Nobunaga & Judo Suwa & Sumo Fuji | CMLL 11/14/97 (posted by Lucha Click) Magnum Tokyo/Saito/Little Dragon vs Shiima Nobunaga/Judo Suwa/Sumo Fuji - CMLL 11/14/97! (posted by Robbie Bihari)
1999-07-18 Palacio de los Deportes, Iztacalco, Distrito Federal Negro Casas & Scorpió Jr. b Magnum Tokyo & Tajiri Guerra de Naciones (July 18th, 1999) (posted by Roy Lucier CMLL) Negro Casas & Scorpio Jr vs Tajiri & Magnum Tokyo (posted by Lucha Click)
Scorpio jr and Tokyo open the match trading some holds and moves, then Negro Casas and Tajiri do some more matwork, at some point, Negro low blows Tajiri ( Negro 440 kicked the middle rope while Tajiri was entering the ring- ouch!!), but the referees didn't see it. Magnum dominates Negro and then he and Tajiri take turns at working on Negro's left leg, Negro hints a comeback with some kicks, but Tajiri kicks him off the top turnbuckle and then nails him with a second rope quebrada!! They made it back to the ring and Tajiri gets a 2 count after a powerbomb, another powerbomb... but Negro escapes over the Japanese head and hits a clothesline for a 2 count, casita... Magnum made the save, another casita attempt, Tajiri blocks, delivers a casita of his own but Scopio is the one with the save now... Scorpio and Magnum take over fighting, and trading some near falls, Negro hits a clothesline on his partner so the rudo said it was enough and attacked Casas, the Japanese teamed up on him and Tajiri used a german suplex with pin to put Scorpio out. Negro had to go vs both Japanese by himself now...Magnum takes him to the top turnbuckle and performs frankensteiner, Negro kicks out at 2, Negro reacts with some choke holds but the Japanese counters with a stunner, then, out of nowhere, Negro does la Casita to defeat Magnum Tokyo. Tajiri enters to continue working on Negro's leg, Negro reaches the ropes and then decks Tajiri with a clothesline and uses the scorpio death lock to take the match, Scorpio attacks Negro after that.

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Last Updated: 2025-03-05 02:16 AM CST '