Eterno (Abismo Negro Jr.)


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
IWRG Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2009-03-31 2009-05-30
AAA Lower Mid Regular tecnico 2011-05-26 2011-11-09
PdM Lower Mid Regular rudo 2011-11-13 2011-12-11
AAA Lower Mid Regular rudo 2013-03-29 2015-06-17
ELITE Lower Mid Regular rudo 2015-12-06 2016-12-17
IWRG Top Regular rudo 2010-03-14 2019-09-01
AAA Lower Mid Regular rudo 2019-05-25 2020-04-25
AAA Lower Mid Regular rudo 2020-10-03 2100-01-01

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 1285

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Eterno (EDM) 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 6346
Eterno 2005-01-01 current --- --- Estado de México 2491
Eterno (IWRG) 2005-01-01 current --- --- --- 8858
Eterno 2005-01-01 current --- --- Hidalgo 6595
Eterno 2005-01-01 current --- --- Distrito Federal 6594
Eterno (Indie) 2011-01-01 current --- --- --- 14065
Abismo Negro Jr. 2019-08-01 current --- --- --- 14108
Eterno (Abismo Negro Jr.) 2019-08-01 current --- --- --- 19771
Abismo Negro 2019-08-01 current --- --- --- 20381
Eterno 2011-01-01 current --- --- --- 6685

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2025-03-04 Gimnasio Beto Estrada, Piedras Negras, Coahuila Abismo Negro Jr. vs El Fiscal, Mocho Cota Jr.
2025-03-05 Arena Naucalpan Arez vs Abismo Negro Jr. ABISMO NEGRO JR. VS AREZ. LUCHA ESTELAR (posted by hector godfrey) IWRG Abismo Negro Jr vs Arez ARENA NAUCALPAN (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2025-03-09 Arena Lopez Mateos Dr. Wagner Jr. b Abismo Negro Jr., Fresero Jr., El Fiscal [chain]
Latin helped Wagner
2025-03-09 Plaza de Toros Rodolfo Rodriguez el Pana, Apizaco, Tlaxcala Daimo, El Fiscal, Glden Jacket vs Abismo Negro, Kingoo, Taurus
2025-03-10 Plaza de Toros Lauro Luis Longoria, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas Fresero Jr. & Pierroth Jr. vs Abismo Negro Jr. & El Fiscal and Karis La Momia Jr. & Laredo Kid
2025-03-14 Auditorio CECUCO, San Juan del Río, Querétaro Abismo Negro Jr. & Psicosis b El Fiscal & Pagano
2025-03-15 Brownsville Sports Park, Brownsville, Texas Abismo Negro Jr., Alberto del Rio, Estrellato b Fiscal, Pagano, Sayrus
2025-03-16 Espacio Disoctheque, Norcross, Georgia Hijo De Wagner vs Octagón Jr., Abismo Negro Jr., El Fiscal, Metalik, Orión, Marty Scurll, Dragón Bane, Alpha Wolf, La Amexion, Drago (Indie), Cosmos, Dante Casanova, D3, Rey Fury, Romeo Quevedo, Salazar, La Brava
2025-03-17 Plaza de Toros Lauro Luis Longoria, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas El Fiscal & Laredo Kid vs Abismo Negro & Antifaz
2025-03-18 Gimnasio Beto Estrada, Piedras Negras, Coahuila Abismo Negro Jr. vs El Fiscal
Upcoming Matches
2025-03-21 Plaza de Toros Portatil Espanola la Ronda, Veracruz, Veracruz Cibernético, Octagón Jr., Pagano vs Abismo Negro Jr., Psicosis, Taurus
2025-03-21 Explanada de Ocotita, Banderilla, Veracruz Cibernético, Octagón Jr., Pagano vs Abismo Negro Jr., Psicosis II, Taurus
2025-03-31 Auditorio de la Tamayao, Tehuacán, puebla El Fiscal & LA Park vs Abismo Negro Jr. & Psicosis
2025-04-05 Gimnasio Municipal Lic. Benito Juárez, Cuautitlán, Estado de México Abismo Negro Jr. & Hell Boy vs Aeroboy & Calibus and Especie Maligna & Trauma I
2025-04-05 Cancha Germán Evers, Mazatlán, Sinaloa Aerostar & Fiscal vs Abismo Negro Jr. & Monsther Clown
2025-04-06 Gimnasio Municipal, Zumpango, Estado de México El Fiscal & Psycho Clown vs Abismo Negro & Psicosis

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2024-11-16 AAA on Space Cibernético, Mecha Wolf, Vampiro Canadiense b Abismo Negro, Psicosis, Taurus [lights out] * GUERRA DE TITANES 2024 Parte 2 | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-12-14 AAA on Space Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown b Abismo Negro Jr., El Fiscal, Taurus [AAA TRIOS, cage] * * ¡GUERRA EN JAULA POR EL CAMPEONATO DE TERCIAS! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) SALTILLO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-12-14 AAA on Unimas Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown b Abismo Negro Jr., El Fiscal, Taurus [AAA TRIOS, cage] * * ¡GUERRA EN JAULA POR EL CAMPEONATO DE TERCIAS! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) SALTILLO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2025-02-08 AAA on Space Abismo Negro, Psicosis, Taurus b El Fiscal, Laredo Kid, Niño Hamburguesa * ¡TODOS VS FISCAL! | ALIANZAS | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) ESTRENO: QUERÉTARO 2 | ALIANZAS | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) NIÑO HAMBURGUESA, LAREDO KID Y EL FISCAL VS ABISMO NEGRO JR, PSICOSIS Y TAURUS // AAA ALIANZAS 2025 (posted by HABLEMOSDELUCHALIBRE2)
2025-03-01 AAA on Space Abismo Negro b El Fiscal [bull terrier]

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2025-01-01 Arena del Valle, Chalco, Estado de México Fiscal & Octagón Jr. b Abismo Negro & Taurus 🔴 EN VIVO | EL FISCAL y OCTAGÓN JR. vs ABISMO NEGRO Y TAURUS | Arena del Valle (posted by mluchatv)
2025-01-01 Arena Neza Abismo Negro Jr., Bengala, Taurus b Fiscal, Flamita, Oni El Bendito Abismo Negro Jr , Taurus y Bengala Vs El Fiscal, Flamita y El Bendito. (posted by ) Abismo Negro Jr, Taurus y Bengala Vs El Fiscal, Flamita y Oni el Bendito en el 47 aniv Arena Neza (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) NEZA Abismo Negro Jr, Taurus y Bengala vs El Fiscal, ONI El Bendito y Flamita (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2025-01-04 Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo, Puebla, Puebla Abismo Negro Jr., Fiscal, Psicosis, Taurus DRAW Demonio Infernal, Fresero Jr., Trauma I, Trauma II [cage] Negocio Traumado Vs Los Vipers lucha en jaula en Puebla con Cordero Producciones (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Demonio Infernal and Abismo Negro Jr. left last at the same time, match officially had no real result (but Demonio obviously hit first)
2025-01-05 Palenque de Gallos, Huejutla de Reyes, Hidalgo Dave The Clown & Octagón Jr. vs Abismo Negro Jr. & Taurus Dave The Clown y Octagón Jr. vs Taurus y Abismo Negro | HC Producciones (posted by mluchatv)
2025-01-17 Auditorio General José María Arteaga, Querétaro, Querétaro Abismo Negro, Psicosis, Taurus b El Fiscal, Laredo Kid, Niño Hamburguesa * ¡TODOS VS FISCAL! | ALIANZAS | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) ESTRENO: QUERÉTARO 2 | ALIANZAS | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) NIÑO HAMBURGUESA, LAREDO KID Y EL FISCAL VS ABISMO NEGRO JR, PSICOSIS Y TAURUS // AAA ALIANZAS 2025 (posted by HABLEMOSDELUCHALIBRE2)
Abismo beat Nino Hamburgesa with a martinete.
2025-01-18 Psicopata del Ring Gym Center, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Abismo Negro Jr. b El Fiscal [infierno] EL FISCAL VS ABISMO NEGRO JR. LUCHA D3 FU360 3L PR1M3R0 3N QU3M4R A 5U R1V4L G4N4 (posted by hector godfrey) Lucha de Fuego: El Fiscal vs Abismo Negro Jr | #XLL Infierno (posted by BIG LUCHA ) Lucha de Fuego: El Fiscal vs Abismo Negro Jr. | XLL - Infierno (posted by mluchatv) XLL Abismo Negro Jr vs El Fiscal ¡¡¡ LUCHA EN FUEGO !!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) XLL: Abismo Negro Jr ???? El Fiscal en lucha de fu3go contra fu3go en la rivalidad 2025 para AAA (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Abismo Negro got speared out of the ring though a table on fire (or at least the was the idea), though the match actually ended by pinfall moments later.
2025-02-14 Arena Neza Dave The Clown, Monsther Clown, Murder Clown NF Abismo Negro Jr., Belcegor, Chessman and Pig Destroyer, Pig Destructor, Pig Pool NEZA La Puerquiza Extrema vs Psycho Circus vs Chessman, Abismo Negro Jr y Belcegor (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Psycho Circus ???? Puerkiza Extrema ???? Profanos Vipers en laArena Neza con Producciones Sánchez (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) PSYCHO CIRCUS: MURDER CLOWN/MONSTER Y DAVE  VS CHESSMAN/BELCEGOR Y ABISMO NEGRO JR. VS PUERQUIZA (posted by hector godfrey)
Pigs added to the match, then the Los Del Rancho and La Pandemia all ran in to set up a cage match for the trios titles on 03/15.
2025-02-27 Salón Tropico, Puebla, Puebla Demonio Infernal, Fresero Jr., Trauma I, Trauma II b Abismo Negro, El Fiscal, Psicosis, Taurus Lucha estelar Negocio Traumado Vs Los Vipers revancha de reyes en Puebla con Cordero Producciones (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre)
Demonio won via foul on Abismo Negro. Fiscal didn't get along with his parnters.
2025-02-28 Arena MC Reyes, Coacalco, Estado de México Demon Boy, Noisy Boy, Psycho Clown b Abismo Negro, Judas el Traidor, Sobredosis Psycho clown ,demon boy, Noisy boy ???? Judas el traidor sobredosis abismo negro JR (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) PSYCHO CLOWN, DEMON BOY Y NOISY BOY VS JUDAS EL TRAIDOR, ABISMO NEGRO JR. Y SOBR3D05IS. (posted by hector godfrey)
2025-03-05 Arena Naucalpan Arez vs Abismo Negro Jr. ABISMO NEGRO JR. VS AREZ. LUCHA ESTELAR (posted by hector godfrey) IWRG Abismo Negro Jr vs Arez ARENA NAUCALPAN (posted by Estrellas del Ring)

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2022-10-02 Auditorio Benito Juárez, Zapopan, Jalisco Aramis, Arez, Komander b Abismo Negro Jr., Flamita, Látigo * 20221002aaa_match3Aramis, Arez, Komander vs Abismo Negro Jr., Flamita, Látigo.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) LUCHA COMPLETA: Arez, Aramis y Komander vs. Flamita, Abismo Negro y Látigo. | Lucha Libre AAA. (posted by luchalibreaaatv) ZAPOPAN Parte 1 | Gira 30 Aniversario de Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) great
2021-05-03 Zacatlán, Puebla Hijo Del Vikingo b Látigo, Villano III Jr., Abismo Negro Jr., Aramis [Copa Hijo del Perro] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Látigo, Villano III Jr., Abismo Negro Jr., Hijo Del Vikingo, Aramis [Copa Hijo del Perro] (posted by luchablogdos) Látigo, Villano III Jr., Abismo Negro Jr., Hijo Del Vikingo, Aramis [Copa Hijo del Perro] (posted by luchablogdos) ZACATLÁN PARTE 1 | PROGRAMA COMPLETO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) great
2021-02-07 Hacienda de Santa María Xalostoc, Tlaxco, Tlaxcala Fénix & Laredo Kid b Abismo Negro Jr. & Taurus * 20210207aaa_match8Fénix & Laredo Kid vs Abismo Negro Jr. & Taurus.mp4 (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Fénix & Laredo Kid vs Abismo Negro Jr. & Taurus (posted by luchablogdos) TLAXCO PARTE 2 | PROGRAMA COMPLETO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) great
2019-07-06 Palcco de Zapopan, Zapopan, Jalisco Hijo Del Vikingo, Laredo Kid, Myzteziz Jr. b Chik Tormenta, Eterno, La Parka Negra * CONQUISTA TOTAL en GUADALAJARA Parte 1 | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
14:14. Vikingo beat Parka Negra with reverse 450 splash
2019-06-06 Arena Naucalpan Demonio Infernal, Eterno, Lunatic Extreme b Aramis, Imposible, Metaleón +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv) ARAMIS ,METALEON, IMPOSIBLE VS. ETERNO, DEMONIO INFERNAL, LUNATIC XTREME (posted by hector godfrey) Eterno, Demonio Infernal y Lunatik Extreme vs Eragón, Metaleón y Aramis (posted by Estrellas del Ring) great
2019-05-25 Auditorio General José María Arteaga, Querétaro, Querétaro Hijo Del Vikingo, Laredo Kid, Myzteziz Jr. b Australian Suicide, Eterno, Súper Fly *
13:33. Vikingo pinned Eterno (replacement for Jack Evans) with a reverse 450 splash.
2019-03-31 Arena Naucalpan Dragón Bane, Eterno, Golden Magic b Aramis, Imposible, Metaleón 2 de abril de 2019 (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) GOLDEN MAGIC, ETERNO Y DRAGÓN BANE VS METALEÓN, IMPOSIBLE Y ARAMIS (posted by hector godfrey) IWRG: Campeonato Junior de Juniors (posted by Internetv Deportes)
Metaleon replaced Ciclon Ramirez. Money thrown in.
2018-10-21 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Aramis b Eterno [mask, hair] ARAMIS SORPRENDE A ETERNO, EN EL INICIÓ DE LA PRESENTACIÓN (posted by hector godfrey) ARAMIS Y ETERNO COMPLACIERON AL PÚBLICO CON UNA LUCHA DE ENTREGA (posted by hector godfrey) Lucha Memes presenta el 21 Aniversario del Coliseo Coacalco / Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv)
Great match. Aramis took Eterno's hair and saved his mask. Aramis praised his mentor/trainer after the match.
2018-03-24 Arena San Juan Pantitlan, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México Eterno & Ricky Marvin b Belial & Impulso and Astrolux & Freelance Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD:  ETERNO Y RICKY MARVIN GANAN TAG TEAM WAR (posted by hector godfrey) Impulso y Belial VS Eterno y Ricky Marvin VS Freelance y Astrolux (posted by Adrian Martinez) Ricky Marvin y Eterno vs Belial e Impulso vs Freelance y Astrolux en Mexa Westling (posted by Estrellas del Ring) RICKY MARVIN Y ETERNO VS IMPULSO Y BELIAL VS FREELANCE Y ASTROLUX (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Ricky Marvin y Eterno vs Impulso y Belial vs Freelance y Astrolux, Mexa Wrestling (posted by mluchatv)
Astrolux replaced Mike Segura. After this match, la Nueva Hermandad Klandestina (Yoruba, Danger, Lokillus, and Sadico) was formed.
2017-10-11 Arena Naucalpan Eterno, Trauma I, Trauma II b Arez, Centvrión, Séptimo Rayo Eterno y los Traumas I y II vs Arez, Centvrion y Séptimo Rayo en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Los Traumas y Eterno vs Indy Nation, en IWRG  *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Los Traumas y Eterno vs Indy Nation, en IWRG TV (posted by IWRG tv) Producciones carita jc (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre)
great match. Arez challenged Trauma II to a singles match.
2017-09-03 Arena Naucalpan Eterno b Bombero Infernal [hair] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Cabellera vs Cabellera: Eterno vs Bombero Infernal en IWRG TV (posted by IWRG tv) Eterno vs Bombero Infernal  ¡¡¡ CABELLERA vs CABELLERA !!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Eterno vs Bombero Infernal, cabellera vs cabellera en IWRG *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) great
2017-08-09 Arena Naucalpan Fly Star, Fly Warrior, Fulgor I, Fulgor II, Glenn Calavera, Jerry Calavera, Mr. Leo, Séptimo Rayo b Alas de Acero, Aramis, Black Dragón, Demonio Infernal, Diablo Jr., Dinamic Black, Eterno, Golden Magic [Copa Higher Power] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Indy Natión vs IWRG ¡¡¡ TORNEO FILL COMPLETO !!! (posted by Estrellas del Ring) IWRG vs Indy Nation, Copa High Power en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by IWRG tv) IWRG vs Indy Nation, por la Copa High Power en la Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv)
IWRG (Black Terry) vs Indy Nation (Centrvion). Gallo Frances interfered to cost IWRG (and probably Black Dragon) the match. Back to back wins for Indy Nation.
2015-11-29 Arena Naucalpan Apolo Estrada Jr., Canis Lupus, Eterno b Black Terry, Dr. Cerebro, Hijo del Pantera * Black Terry, Dr, Cerebro y el Hijo del Pantera vs Apolo Estrada Jr, Canis Lupus y Eterno. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Black Terry, Dr. Cerebro e Hijo del Pantera vs Eterno, Apolo Estrada y Canis Lupus, IWRG (posted by mluchatv)
Terry & Eterno bled. Straight falls. Rudos want a shot at the Mexican State trios championship, Black Terry challenged back for an apuesta match.
2013-07-15 Polideportivo La Huizachera, Tehuacán, Puebla Angélico & Jack Evans b Chessman & Eterno * AAA Fusión # 30, Fusion (posted by terceracaidanet)
Jack 630 senton on Eterno.
2013-07-06 Arena Lopez Mateos Drastik Boy & Flamita b Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards and Daga & Eterno * Davey Richards y Eddie Edwards vs Daga y Eterno vs Flamita y Drastick Boy Dtu Devastador (posted by pakorusell) DTUTV (posted by dtutv)
switched to the semi main (in before the ring was filled with leftovers from the hardcore match.) Upset win for Flamita & Drastik
2013-06-14 Domo de la Feria, León, Guanajuato Angélico, Drago, Jack Evans b Carta Brava Jr., Eterno, Steve Pain * * Angélico, Drago, Jack Evans vs Carta Brava Jr., Eterno, Steve Pain (posted by luchablogvault)
Drago submitted the debutting Steve Pain in what was said to be a very good match.
2013-03-29 Arena Naucalpan Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Willie Mack b AR Fox, Dr. Cerebro, Eterno * * live (posted by pakorusell)
AR Fox and Willie Mack, on the DTU shows this week, were added to the match. Nino Hamburguesa was with Crazy Boy. Money thrown in.
2012-11-13 Arena Naucalpan Boykot, Flemyzeer, Halcón Diabólico, Jhon Crazy, Kiuby, Mr. Leo, Rey Espacial, Rey Tabú b Alan Extreme, Centvrión, Dinamic Black, Eita, Eterno, Imposible, Saruman, Violencia Jr. [Copa Higher Power]
FILL trainees vs Gimnasio Fuerza Konkreto (Fuerza Guerrera). Kimby impressed of the Fuerza guys. Match came down to Mr. Leo vs Centviron, with Fuerza intefering to give his guy the win. Black Terry was very unhappy, and their were rematches and other challenges made.
2012-01-14 Arena Lopez Mateos Sádico, Trauma I, Trauma II b Daga, Eterno, Flamita Daga, Eterno, Flamita vs Sadico y Los Traumas I y II (posted by pakorusell)
Said to be a superb match. Flamita cradled Sadico & Trauma submitted the others in the first. Sadico wheelbarrow suplexed Flamita, Eterno submitted Trauma I, Daga brainbustered Trauma II in the second. After Daga & Flamita dives, Trauma II beat Eterno for the win.

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Last Updated: 2025-03-21 02:17 AM CDT '