Estrellato (Texas)


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
AAA Top Regular rudo 2024-02-18 2024-03-09
AAA Top Regular tecnico 2024-09-01 2024-12-08

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 5120

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Estrellato (Texas) 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 11799
Estrellato 2000-01-01 current --- --- Texas 11800
Estrellato 2000-01-01 current --- --- Tamaulipas 11801
Estrellato 2000-01-01 current --- --- --- 22850

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2024-11-10 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Asterisco Jr., Rey Astral, The Batman vs Estrellato, Hermano Del Niño Torta, Niño Torta
2024-12-08 Gimnasio Nuevo León Unido, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Laredo Kid, Redimido, Tigre Universitario Jr. b Dark Zorro, Estrellato, Oro Negro * MONTERREY | CIERRE ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TEAM LAREDO vs TEAM REGIO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Laredo Kid replaced Tosscano (car accident), with Dark Zorro flipped to the rudo side.
2024-12-25 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Bocazas I, Bocazas II, Bocazas III, Pierroth Jr. vs Estrellato, Magnífico, Rey Astral, Sustaita
2025-01-05 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Estrellato vs The Panther Jr. [PANTHER MEGA] Megacampeonato Panther Promotions: The Panther Jr. vs Estrellato | Panther Promotions (posted by mluchatv)
2025-01-26 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Frutero I vs Estrellato [seconds hair] Cabelleras en JUEGO: Estrellato (Second Mango, Frutero 2) vs La Piña Loca, Frutero I (Mayito Rock) (posted by mluchatv) CABELLERAS en JUEGO: Estrellato (Second Mango) vs Piña (Second Mayito Rock) | Panther Promotions (posted by mluchatv)
2025-02-08 Puerto Isabel, Texas Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Panic Clown © b Belcegor (AAA), Estrellato, Psicosis II [AAA TRIOS]
2025-02-23 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Dark Flash, Estrellato, Viernes Negro vs Quemador, Rey Astral, The Flash
2025-03-02 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Estrellato vs Frutero I
2025-03-15 Brownsville Sports Park, Brownsville, Texas Abismo Negro Jr., Alberto del Rio, Estrellato b Fiscal, Pagano, Sayrus
2025-03-16 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Hijo Del Vikingo & Rey Astral vs Estrellato & Mafioso
Upcoming Matches
2025-04-25 Port Isabel Event Center, Port Isabel, Texas Lady Maravilla vs Octagón Jr., Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr., Aerostar, Estrellato, Oni El Bendito, Brazo De Oro Jr.
2025-04-25 Casablanca Event Center, Laredo, Texas Lady Maravilla vs Octagón Jr., Hijo de Dr. Wagner Jr., Aerostar, Estrellato, Oni El Bendito, Brazo De Oro Jr.

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2024-09-14 AAA on Space Estrellato & Líder b Epydemius & Sayrus * * SHOWCENTER Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-09-28 AAA on Unimas Estrellato & Líder b Epydemius & Sayrus * * SHOWCENTER Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-11-16 AAA on Unimas Mr. Iguana & Niño Hamburguesa b Estrellato & Líder * * SHOWCENTER MONTERREY Parte 2: CIERRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-11-30 AAA on Space Mr. Iguana & Niño Hamburguesa b Estrellato & Líder * * SHOWCENTER MONTERREY Parte 2: CIERRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2025-01-25 AAA on Space Laredo Kid, Redimido, Tigre Universitario Jr. b Dark Zorro, Estrellato, Oro Negro * MONTERREY | CIERRE ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TEAM LAREDO vs TEAM REGIO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2024-03-09 Lienzo Charro Prof. Enrique Gonzalez, Saltillo, Coahuila Drago, Epydemius Jr., Estrellato b Hijo del Picudo, May Flowers, Nygma * SALTILLO Parte 2 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-06-30 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Estrellato © vs Perfil [NORTE MIDDLE] Campeonato Medio del Norte: Perfil vs Estrellato | Lucha completa | Panthermanía VIII-II (posted by mluchatv) PANTHERMANÍA VIII PARTE II | Latín Lover, Familia REAL, Luchas de Campeonato y cabelleras en JUEGO (posted by mluchatv)
2024-08-04 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Dulce García & Psycho Clown vs Estrellato & La Hiedra Psycho Clown y Dulce Garcia vs La Hiedra y Estrellato | Panther Promotions (posted by mluchatv)
2024-08-11 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Místico, Rey Astral, Star Jr. b Estrellato, Felino Jr., Zandokan Jr. EN VIVO ???? | MÁSCARA VS MÁSCARA: Asterisco Jr. vs El Desconocido Jr. + Místico vs Zandokan Jr. (posted by mluchatv) MISTICO,STAR JR Y REY ASTRAL VS ZANDOKAN JR,FELINO JR Y ESTRELLATO (posted by )
2024-08-25 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Dulce García b Estrellato [cage] LUCHA EN JAULA: Dulce Sexy vs Estrellato | Lucha completa | Panther Promotions (posted by mluchatv)
2024-09-01 Showcenter Complex, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo Leon Estrellato & Líder b Epydemius & Sayrus * * SHOWCENTER Parte 1 | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-11-03 Showcenter Complex, San Pedro Garza García, Nuevo Leon Mr. Iguana & Niño Hamburguesa b Estrellato & Líder * * SHOWCENTER MONTERREY Parte 2: CIERRE 2024 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-12-08 Gimnasio Nuevo León Unido, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon Laredo Kid, Redimido, Tigre Universitario Jr. b Dark Zorro, Estrellato, Oro Negro * MONTERREY | CIERRE ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TEAM LAREDO vs TEAM REGIO | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
Laredo Kid replaced Tosscano (car accident), with Dark Zorro flipped to the rudo side.
2025-01-05 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Estrellato vs The Panther Jr. [PANTHER MEGA] Megacampeonato Panther Promotions: The Panther Jr. vs Estrellato | Panther Promotions (posted by mluchatv)
2025-01-26 Arena Coliseo Reynosa, Reynosa, Tamaulipas Frutero I vs Estrellato [seconds hair] Cabelleras en JUEGO: Estrellato (Second Mango, Frutero 2) vs La Piña Loca, Frutero I (Mayito Rock) (posted by mluchatv) CABELLERAS en JUEGO: Estrellato (Second Mango) vs Piña (Second Mayito Rock) | Panther Promotions (posted by mluchatv)

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Last Updated: 2025-03-26 02:21 AM CDT '