
Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
CMLL Upper Mid Guest rudo 1997-11-01 1998-05-15
IWRG Upper Mid Guest rudo 1997-06-04 1999-06-06
IWRG Upper Mid Guest rudo 2010-06-03 2010-07-15
IWRG Upper Mid Guest neutral 2012-05-31 2012-06-03
IWRG Top Regular neutral 2020-01-19 2020-02-09
AAA Top Regular rudo 2024-06-11 2024-06-15
JAPAN Upper Mid Guest rudo 1960-01-02 2100-01-01

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 498

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
CIMA 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 1121
Shiima Nobunaga 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 1122

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2019-11-01 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California Rey Horus © b CIMA, Jeff Cobb [THE CRASH HEAVY] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Rey Horus (C) vs Cima vs Jeff Cobb | #CAMPEONATOCOMPLETOTHECRASH | (posted by Arena Clandestina) REY HORUS VS CIMA VS JEFF COBB (posted by Baja Wrestling) Rey Horus vs Cima vs Jeff Cobb Campeonato Completo The Crash (posted by videoslucha3000) Rey Horus vs Jeff Cobb vs Cima - Campeonato Completo The Crash - 8vo Aniversario (posted by mluchatv)
Bandido appeared to challenge Rey Horus for th enext show.
2019-11-02 Arena Femenil, Monterrey, Nuevo León Erick Ortiz, Kratoz, Prometeo b CIMA, Látigo, Skayde
Ortiz submitted Skayde
2020-01-18 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California El Mesías b Angélico, CIMA, Ryu Lee | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Dragón Lee vs Mesías vs Cima vs Angélico | (posted by Arena Clandestina) El Mesías vs Dragon Lee vs Cima vs Angélico -  The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
Mesias was helped by Orcaulo and masked men, setting up a new group.
2020-01-19 Arena Naucalpan CIMA, Lindaman, T-Hawk b Emperador Azteca, Súper Nova, Toxin Cima, T Hawk y Lindaman vs Emperador Azteca, Toxin y Súper Nova (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Cima, T-Hawk y Lindaman vs Emperador Azteca, Toxin y Súper Nova desde la Arena Naucalpan (posted by Estrellas del Ring) IWRG Lucha Libre (posted by Internetv Deportes) IWRG, Arena Naucalpan | Lucha Snack (posted by mluchatv) MÉXICO  (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano) MÉXICO  (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano) México VS Japon BATALLA DE TERCIAS EN LA ARENA NAUCALPAN (posted by hector godfrey) Super Nova, Emperador Azteca y Toxin vs Lindahawk, T-Hawk y Cima - IWRG - Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv)
CIMA beat Toxin. Super Nova challenges CIMA.
2020-01-26 Arena Naucalpan CIMA & T-Hawk b Puma King & Séptimo Dragón and Dragón Bane & Hijo de Canis Lupus Cima y T-Hawk (AEW) vs Puma King y Séptimo Dragón vs Golpeadores, Revolución IWRG (26 de Enero 2020) (posted by mluchatv) Cima y T-Hawk vs Dragón Bane e Hijo de Canis Lupus vs Puma King y Séptimo Dragón (posted by Estrellas del Ring) GRAN TRIANGULAR DE PAREJAS DOMINGO 26 DE ENERO | IWRG ARENA NAUCALPAN (posted by IWRG tv) Puma King y Séptimo Dragón vs Stronghearts vs Golpeadores - IWRG - Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv) XL VIII Campeonato Nacional de Exteriores 2020 (posted by Internetv Deportes)
Relampago interfered (twice), but CIMA still snuck in a foul. Relampago/Bane/Lupus vs Stronghearts match teased.
2020-02-02 Imperium Event Center, Westminster, Colorado CIMA vs Cassandro, The Provider, Zeven, El Lindaman, T-Hawk, Matt Sydal, Séptimo Dragón, Sairus, Delta Jr., Legacy King
2020-02-09 Arena Naucalpan Chicano, Mamba, Tiago b CIMA, Lindaman, T-Hawk El Imperio vs La Ola Japonesa | Revolución IWRG, Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv) EL IMPERIO VS LA OLA JAPONESA. MAMBA, CHICANO Y TIAGO VS CIMA, T-HAWR Y LINDAMAN (posted by hector godfrey) El Imperio vs Strong Hearts - IWRG - Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv) El Imperio Vs Strong Hearts Mamba, Chicano y Tiago Ft Estrella Divina Vs Cima, Lindaman y T Hawk (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Mamba, Chicano y Tiago vs Cima, T-Hawk y Lindaman desde la Arena Naucalpan. (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Debut of El Imperio. Moved to the main event. Divina seconded Imperio and kissed CIMA, setting up Mamba for the win.
2023-09-30 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Zenky b Reiyel, Estrella de Oro, Forneo, Atómico Jr., Ditto, Brujo, Morfosis, Torito Negro Jr., Limbo, Viajero, Iku, Elipse, Súper Nova, Andrómeda (Guatemala), M2R, Mr. Win, Steel Dragón, Bendito, Tirano, CIMA Big Lucha | Alas de Independencia | Torneo Alas 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Andromeda (Guatemala) defeated Super Nova to win. Flamita invited Andromeda to join Black Generacion as long Andromeda changed his name. It's Black Andromeda now. Flamita also said Black Generation didn't need Yutani or Elemental.
2024-06-11 Plaza de la Mexicanidad, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua CIMA, Sam Adonis, Satnam Singh b Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Octagón Jr. * * ¡MÉXICO VS RESTO DEL MUNDO! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD JUÁREZ | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Facebook video (posted by )
Jeff Jarrett seconded the rudos. Latin Lover got involved, but the foreigners still won.
2024-06-15 Estadio Chevron, Tijuana, Baja California D Luxe, Destiny, Noisy Boy b Komander, Laredo Kid, Octagón Jr. and CIMA, Dinámico, Willie Mack [Copa Bardahl] * * ¡COPA BARDAHL en Triplemanía XXXII Tijuana! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANIA XXXII TIJUANA | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANÍA XXXII TIJUANA Parte 2 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
15:05. Originally announced with Kyle Fletcher (NJPW.) Fletcher replaced by Blake Christian on 05/15, and the match changed to a three way tag match with The Crash team (Destiny, D Luxe, Noisy Boy) added. Match changed once again on 05/28 with Willie Mack replacing Blake Christian (NJPW.) Match changed a final time day of the show, with Dinamico replacing Nick Wayne (AEW/father's day). D Luxe beat Dinamico after a foul.
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2018-09-08 The Crash streaming CIMA & T-Hawk b Rey Horus & Soberano Jr. * ENTRAN SOBERANO JR / REY HORUS / CIMA / T-HAWK (posted by La Poesia De La Lucha Libre) Facebook video (posted by thecrash.luchalibre) REY HORUS Y SOBERANO JR VS CIMA Y T HAWK (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Rey Horus y Soberano Jr. vs Cima y T- Hawk (posted by mluchatv) SOBERANO JR / REY HORUS vs CIMA / T-HAWK (posted by La Poesia De La Lucha Libre)
2024-06-15 AAA PPV D Luxe, Destiny, Noisy Boy b Komander, Laredo Kid, Octagón Jr. and CIMA, Dinámico, Willie Mack [Copa Bardahl] * * ¡COPA BARDAHL en Triplemanía XXXII Tijuana! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANIA XXXII TIJUANA | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANÍA XXXII TIJUANA Parte 2 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
2024-06-29 AAA on Space CIMA, Sam Adonis, Satnam Singh b Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Octagón Jr. * * ¡MÉXICO VS RESTO DEL MUNDO! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD JUÁREZ | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Facebook video (posted by )
2024-07-14 AAA on Unimas CIMA, Sam Adonis, Satnam Singh b Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Octagón Jr. * * ¡MÉXICO VS RESTO DEL MUNDO! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD JUÁREZ | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Facebook video (posted by )
2024-07-27 AAA on Unimas D Luxe, Destiny, Noisy Boy b Komander, Laredo Kid, Octagón Jr. and CIMA, Dinámico, Willie Mack [Copa Bardahl] * * ¡COPA BARDAHL en Triplemanía XXXII Tijuana! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANIA XXXII TIJUANA | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANÍA XXXII TIJUANA Parte 2 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2018-09-08 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California CIMA & T-Hawk b Rey Horus & Soberano Jr. * ENTRAN SOBERANO JR / REY HORUS / CIMA / T-HAWK (posted by La Poesia De La Lucha Libre) Facebook video (posted by thecrash.luchalibre) REY HORUS Y SOBERANO JR VS CIMA Y T HAWK (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Rey Horus y Soberano Jr. vs Cima y T- Hawk (posted by mluchatv) SOBERANO JR / REY HORUS vs CIMA / T-HAWK (posted by La Poesia De La Lucha Libre)
2019-10-03 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo CIMA b Calibus, Aramis (Estado de México), Draztick Boy, Juventud Aérea, Jitsu [AEREO NACIONAL] 7 de octubre de 2019 (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) CIMA vs Draztick Boy vs Aramis vs Juventud Aérea vs Jitsu vs Dragon Boy (posted by mluchatv) El Regreso de Japón | Vanguardia y Luchando Libre | Jueves de +Lucha & Chill (posted by mluchatv)
CIMA pinned Aramis. CIMA was added to the match a few days before the show, while Jitsu added himself right before the match started.
2019-11-01 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California Rey Horus © b CIMA, Jeff Cobb [THE CRASH HEAVY] | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Rey Horus (C) vs Cima vs Jeff Cobb | #CAMPEONATOCOMPLETOTHECRASH | (posted by Arena Clandestina) REY HORUS VS CIMA VS JEFF COBB (posted by Baja Wrestling) Rey Horus vs Cima vs Jeff Cobb Campeonato Completo The Crash (posted by videoslucha3000) Rey Horus vs Jeff Cobb vs Cima - Campeonato Completo The Crash - 8vo Aniversario (posted by mluchatv)
Bandido appeared to challenge Rey Horus for th enext show.
2020-01-18 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California El Mesías b Angélico, CIMA, Ryu Lee | #TheCrashLuchaLibre | Dragón Lee vs Mesías vs Cima vs Angélico | (posted by Arena Clandestina) El Mesías vs Dragon Lee vs Cima vs Angélico -  The Crash Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv)
Mesias was helped by Orcaulo and masked men, setting up a new group.
2020-01-19 Arena Naucalpan CIMA, Lindaman, T-Hawk b Emperador Azteca, Súper Nova, Toxin Cima, T Hawk y Lindaman vs Emperador Azteca, Toxin y Súper Nova (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Cima, T-Hawk y Lindaman vs Emperador Azteca, Toxin y Súper Nova desde la Arena Naucalpan (posted by Estrellas del Ring) IWRG Lucha Libre (posted by Internetv Deportes) IWRG, Arena Naucalpan | Lucha Snack (posted by mluchatv) MÉXICO  (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano) MÉXICO  (posted by Desde las cuerdas con Mariano) México VS Japon BATALLA DE TERCIAS EN LA ARENA NAUCALPAN (posted by hector godfrey) Super Nova, Emperador Azteca y Toxin vs Lindahawk, T-Hawk y Cima - IWRG - Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv)
CIMA beat Toxin. Super Nova challenges CIMA.
2020-01-26 Arena Naucalpan CIMA & T-Hawk b Puma King & Séptimo Dragón and Dragón Bane & Hijo de Canis Lupus Cima y T-Hawk (AEW) vs Puma King y Séptimo Dragón vs Golpeadores, Revolución IWRG (26 de Enero 2020) (posted by mluchatv) Cima y T-Hawk vs Dragón Bane e Hijo de Canis Lupus vs Puma King y Séptimo Dragón (posted by Estrellas del Ring) GRAN TRIANGULAR DE PAREJAS DOMINGO 26 DE ENERO | IWRG ARENA NAUCALPAN (posted by IWRG tv) Puma King y Séptimo Dragón vs Stronghearts vs Golpeadores - IWRG - Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv) XL VIII Campeonato Nacional de Exteriores 2020 (posted by Internetv Deportes)
Relampago interfered (twice), but CIMA still snuck in a foul. Relampago/Bane/Lupus vs Stronghearts match teased.
2020-02-09 Arena Naucalpan Chicano, Mamba, Tiago b CIMA, Lindaman, T-Hawk El Imperio vs La Ola Japonesa | Revolución IWRG, Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv) EL IMPERIO VS LA OLA JAPONESA. MAMBA, CHICANO Y TIAGO VS CIMA, T-HAWR Y LINDAMAN (posted by hector godfrey) El Imperio vs Strong Hearts - IWRG - Arena Naucalpan (posted by mluchatv) El Imperio Vs Strong Hearts Mamba, Chicano y Tiago Ft Estrella Divina Vs Cima, Lindaman y T Hawk (posted by La Tijera Lucha Libre) Mamba, Chicano y Tiago vs Cima, T-Hawk y Lindaman desde la Arena Naucalpan. (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Debut of El Imperio. Moved to the main event. Divina seconded Imperio and kissed CIMA, setting up Mamba for the win.
2023-09-30 Arena Big Lucha, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal Zenky b Reiyel, Estrella de Oro, Forneo, Atómico Jr., Ditto, Brujo, Morfosis, Torito Negro Jr., Limbo, Viajero, Iku, Elipse, Súper Nova, Andrómeda (Guatemala), M2R, Mr. Win, Steel Dragón, Bendito, Tirano, CIMA Big Lucha | Alas de Independencia | Torneo Alas 2023 (posted by BIG LUCHA )
Andromeda (Guatemala) defeated Super Nova to win. Flamita invited Andromeda to join Black Generacion as long Andromeda changed his name. It's Black Andromeda now. Flamita also said Black Generation didn't need Yutani or Elemental.
2024-06-11 Plaza de la Mexicanidad, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua CIMA, Sam Adonis, Satnam Singh b Dave The Clown, Murder Clown, Octagón Jr. * * ¡MÉXICO VS RESTO DEL MUNDO! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) CIUDAD JUÁREZ | ORÍGENES | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide (posted by luchalibreaaatv) Facebook video (posted by )
Jeff Jarrett seconded the rudos. Latin Lover got involved, but the foreigners still won.
2024-06-15 Estadio Chevron, Tijuana, Baja California D Luxe, Destiny, Noisy Boy b Komander, Laredo Kid, Octagón Jr. and CIMA, Dinámico, Willie Mack [Copa Bardahl] * * ¡COPA BARDAHL en Triplemanía XXXII Tijuana! | Orígenes | Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide. (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANIA XXXII TIJUANA | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv) TRIPLEMANÍA XXXII TIJUANA Parte 2 | Lucha Libre AAA (posted by luchalibreaaatv)
15:05. Originally announced with Kyle Fletcher (NJPW.) Fletcher replaced by Blake Christian on 05/15, and the match changed to a three way tag match with The Crash team (Destiny, D Luxe, Noisy Boy) added. Match changed once again on 05/28 with Willie Mack replacing Blake Christian (NJPW.) Match changed a final time day of the show, with Dinamico replacing Nick Wayne (AEW/father's day). D Luxe beat Dinamico after a foul.

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2018-02-16 Auditorio de Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California CIMA, Extreme Tiger, Rey Horus b Penta Zero M, Rey Mysterio Jr., The King 2da parte Pentagón 0M Rey Fénix Rey Mysterio 619 🆚 xtremen Tiger Rey Horus Cima (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Penta Zero M, Rey Fenix y Rey Mysterio Jr vs Rey Horus, Cima y Extreme Tiger (posted by Lucha Libre De Tijuana) Rey Horus xtremen Tiger cima 🆚 rey mysterio 619 Pentagón 0M Rey Fénix (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) REY MYSTERIO, PENTA ZERO M Y REY FÉIX VS CIMA, XTREME TIGER Y REY HORUS (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine) Rey Mysterio, Penta Zero M, The King vs Cima, Xtreme Tiger y Rey Horus, The Crash (posted by mluchatv) The Crash CIMA Rey Horus & Xtreme Tiger vs Rey Mysterio Penta 0M & The King (posted by MegaKakashi619)
Bestia challenged Rey to a title match afterwards for 03/17.

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Last Updated: 2025-03-05 02:15 AM CST '