Blue Center


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
PUEBLA Mid Regular tecnico 1997-11-24 1998-03-09
PUEBLA Mid Regular tecnico 1998-11-23 1998-12-07
PUEBLA Mid Regular tecnico 2000-05-22 2000-10-30
PUEBLA Mid Regular tecnico 2001-03-12 2002-02-11
PUEBLA Mid Regular tecnico 2005-01-31 2012-11-12
PUEBLA Mid Regular rudo 2013-02-18 2014-12-29

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 918

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Blue Center 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 1905

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2024-08-11 Explanada de Inspectoria Buenva Vista, Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla Ente Maldito vs Blue Center
2024-09-08 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Blue Tiger, Sombra Vengadora vs Conjuro, Hechizo, Malefico
2024-10-13 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center vs Rey Gato
2024-10-20 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Gato Eveready, Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Kurama, Kuukai, Rey Gato
2024-11-10 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, King Star, Sexy Boy vs Black Steel, Búfalo Negro Jr., Gran Dabura
2024-11-17 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Centella de Oro, King Star vs Dark Horus, King Búfalo, Rey Gato
2024-12-09 16 Pte y 5 Norte, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Iron, Juventud Latina, King Jaguar vs Aborigen, Ente, Misionero, Tarahumara
2025-01-26 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Silver Panther, Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Buffalo Negro, Buffalo Negro Jr., Demonio Vengador
2025-03-02 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Centella de Oro, King Star vs Isa Rob Dan, Kenlo Jack, Rey Gato (Estado de México)
2025-03-09 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Centalla De Oro, King Star vs Isa Rob Dan (Estado De México), Kanelo Jack (Estado De México), Rey Gato (Estado de México)
Upcoming Matches
2025-03-23 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Blue Center, Estrella, Tigre Rojo Jr. vs Kurama, Kuukai, Rey Gato

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2014-08-03 CMLL Puebla Blue Center, Boby Zavala, El Cavernario b Delta, Guerrero Maya Jr., Tigre Rojo Jr. *
2014-08-23 CMLL Puebla Tigre Rojo Jr. b Blue Center [mask] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Tigre Rojo Jr  vs Blue Center for the mask | CMLL 07 28 2014 Arena Puebla (posted by Lucha Click)
2014-08-31 CMLL Puebla Blue Center, Kamaitachi, Okumura b Black Panther, Cachorro, Tigre Rojo Jr. *
2014-09-21 CMLL Puebla Hombre Bala Jr., Súper Halcón Jr., Tigre Rojo Jr. b Blue Center, King Jaguar, Metálico *
2014-11-03 CMLL Puebla Blue Center & Demus 3:16 b Astro Aéreo Jr. & Último Dragóncito * Astro Aéreo Jr, Ultimo Dragoncito vs Blue Center, Demus 3;16 (posted by astroaereo777)

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2014-04-21 Arena Puebla Espíritu Maligno L Asturiano, Blue Center [mask, hair] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Asturiano vs Espíritu Maligno vs Blue Center | for the mask & the hair | 2014 04 21 Arena Puebla (posted by Lucha Click)
Asturiano won his way out of the match first. Espiritu made a mistake, and Blue Center beat him for his hair.
2014-07-28 Arena Puebla Tigre Rojo Jr. b Blue Center [mask] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Tigre Rojo Jr  vs Blue Center for the mask | CMLL 07 28 2014 Arena Puebla (posted by Lucha Click)
Blue Center attacked Tigre Rojo Jr. before the match and took the first fall. Rojo tied it up with a hurracarrana, then the third with a bridging pin. Blue Center was unmasked as Rodolfo Contreras, 40 years old, 25 years a wrestler.
2014-10-06 Arena Puebla Blue Center & Demus 3:16 b Astro Aéreo Jr. & Último Dragóncito * Astro Aéreo Jr, Ultimo Dragoncito vs Blue Center, Demus 3;16 (posted by astroaereo777)
Demus destroyed Ultimo Dragoncito at the finish.
2017-06-03 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Pequeño Joker b Blue Center Blue Center vs Pequeño Joker en la Arena Coliseo San Ramón (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
Pequeno Joker replaced Prayer.
2018-03-17 Feria Anual de SAN JOSE Chapulco, Puebla, Puebla Huracán Ramírez & Máscara Sagrada Jr. b Black Histeria & Blue Center Huracán Ramirez y Máscara Sagrada Jr vs Black Histeria y Blue Center (posted by Jose Antonio)
2018-03-31 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Black Tiger, Centella de Oro, Toro Bill Jr. b Blue Center, Loco Max, Policeman Loco máx, blue center y Police man vs centella de oro, black Tiger y toro bill jr (posted by Ángel De La Cruz)
2018-04-15 Altar de la santa muerte, Puebla, Puebla Black Tyger, Centella de Oro, Fénix SO b Blue Center, Loco Max, Toro Bill Jr. Lucha super especial (posted by Angel Garcia)
2018-05-27 Arena Coliseo San Ramón, Puebla, Puebla Centella Roja Jr., Hijo del Villano III, Rey Dragón vs Black Histeria, Blue Center, Payaso Retro H. Del Villano III, Rey Dragón y Centella Roja Jr vs Payaso Retro, Blue Center y Black Histeria (posted by Jose Antonio)
2019-08-11 Auditorio, San Pablo Xochimehuacán, Puebla, Puebla La Maldición, Maldición Extrema, Pequeño Joker, Rey Apocalipsis b Baby Rock Jr., Black Manía, Blue Center, Hijo del Tarahumara Terror Poblano vs Jauria Tarahumara (posted by Angel Garcia)
2019-09-15 Paseo Bravo, Puebla, Puebla Asturiano & Rey Samuray b Blue Center & Pequeño Joker Lucha super estelar (posted by Angel Garcia)

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2014-07-28 Arena Puebla Tigre Rojo Jr. b Blue Center [mask] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Tigre Rojo Jr  vs Blue Center for the mask | CMLL 07 28 2014 Arena Puebla (posted by Lucha Click)
Blue Center attacked Tigre Rojo Jr. before the match and took the first fall. Rojo tied it up with a hurracarrana, then the third with a bridging pin. Blue Center was unmasked as Rodolfo Contreras, 40 years old, 25 years a wrestler.
2014-05-05 Arena Puebla Canelo Casas, El Rebelde, Flyer, Hechicero, Star Jr. b Asturiano, Blue Center, King Jaguar, Tigre Rojo Jr., Toro Bill Jr. [cibernetico] *
Puebla vs Gen14. Hechicero defeated King Jaguar for the win. Asturiano was hurt in the match and strecheted out.
2014-04-21 Arena Puebla Espíritu Maligno L Asturiano, Blue Center [mask, hair] *  (posted by luchablog vault (Google Drive)) Asturiano vs Espíritu Maligno vs Blue Center | for the mask & the hair | 2014 04 21 Arena Puebla (posted by Lucha Click)
Asturiano won his way out of the match first. Espiritu made a mistake, and Blue Center beat him for his hair.

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Last Updated: 2025-03-21 02:16 AM CDT '