
CMLL (MON) 01/13/2025 Arena Puebla [CMLL, DeporPuebla, El Sol de Puebla, Mano A Mano, Rupi Reportero]
1) El Perverso & Prayer b Astro Boy Jr. & Dragón de Fuego
2) India Sioux, La Catalina, Princesa Sugehit b Candela, Hera, Olympia
3) Multy, Okumura, Sagrado b Arkalis, Pegasso, Rey Samuray
4) Gemelo Diablo I, Gemelo Diablo II, Rayo Metálico DQ Brillante Jr., Crixus, El Elemental [Relevos Increíbles] *
El Elemental and Crixus unmasked their opponents for the DQ.
5) Guerrero Maya Jr. b Xelhua [MEX MIDDLE] *
6th defense, 2nd against Xelhua. Guerrero Maya appeared to be ready to praise Xelhua after the match, but ended up slapping him and telling him their rivalary was just starting.
6) Magnus, Rugido, Volador Jr. b Flip Gordon, Místico, Neón *
Volador won cleanly. Mistico challenged him to a singles match next week.

Last Updated: 2025-01-30 17:19:46

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