Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León : 2013
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Casanova (SAT) 12/07/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [Estrellas del Ring, LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) Muerte Extrema b Azrael
2) Shakira & Súper Jack b Ciber Payaso & Mortifero
3) Ninja Jr. DRAW Último Ninja
Double pin draw. No one was happy with it, including the two Ninjas, but original Ninja Mario Segura calmed them down.
4) Golden Boy, Pedro Navajas, Rico Rodríguez b Babe Fox, Dralion, Harry Boy
Pedro Navjas and Drailon both were hurt in the match. Harry Boy upset Rico Rodriguez.
5) Titanik b Galactar
6) Demenzía & Epydemius b Dranzer & Scravos [mask]
2 masks vs 2 masks. Dranzer and Scravos dominated the first fall, but blatantly fouled the opposition for a DQ. They took the second fall as both teams ripped up each other's mask and started to bleed. Demenzia and Epydemius submitted Dranzer & Scravos in the third. Scravos is Luis Lara (31, 10 years). Dranzer is Raul Lara (32, 10 years.)
NEXT (SAT) 11/16/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) ? vs ??
2) ? vs ??
3) Destructor Monterrey vs Eclipso, Identix
4) Galactar vs Iron
5) Ciber Payaso vs Mortifero, Black Spider [NEXT ULTRAVIOLENTO]
NGX (SAT) 11/09/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) Aztec b Psicótico
2) Hooligan Byron & Xtreme Dragón b Black Poison & Kratoz [UWO TAG]
Kaientai, as leader of the Unamericans, declared he was going to do something NGX hadn't done in two years - have a title match. Kaientai declared the forming of the Unmexican World Order and made this match for the UWO Tag Team championship. Unamericans won.
3) Black Spider & Epydemius b Neurosis & Optimus
4) Erick Snake & Kaientai b Disturbio (Monterrey) & X-Fly [UWO TAG]
Surprisngly, this was ALSO a UWO tag team championship match. They must have strange rules. Unamericans kept the belts again.
5) Chuey Martinez & Ruben Steel b Pagano & Skam 13
Texans won in their debut.
NGX (SAT) 10/05/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) Psicótico b Águila Extrema
Aguila Extrema's mask came off by accident on the finish. Referee ignored it and counted three.
2) Epydemius b Shenky, Kratoz
Shenky was nervous. Un-Mexicans gave Epydemius a t-shirt to join their group.
3) Ludark Shaitan b Tsunami
moved to the semifinal. Tsunami replaced Lily Fighter. Some Sadica fans in the crowd chanted for her instead of the two people. Not as crazy as thought, but Tsunami gets credit for doing this one day after a crazy match with Sadica.
4) Neurosis & Optimus b Aéreo (Ciudad Juarez) & Erick Snake
Aereo from Juarez replaced Dralion. Crowd was behind Optymuz & Neurosis. Erick Snake is one of the Un-Mexicans and was helped by the returning El Pelon (now using the name Dash) interfering. They tied Neurosis to the ropes pretty early and focused on Optymuz. Aereo had a spectacular dive. Optymuz made the comeback, untied Neurosis, and Aereo took out Neurosis but also Dash with a dive. Optymuz defeated Erick Snake to win.
5) Pagano, Sick Boy, Skam 13 b Hooligan Byron, Kaientai, Xtreme Dragón
The ring was supposed to have many lamps, but they could not get lamps. They went on with the match anyway and they used whatever they could find. Pagano beat Kaientai with a Air Raid Crash to give the UnMexicans a loss at the end of the show.
NGX (SAT) 08/31/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) Pagano & Sick Boy b Ángel o Demonio & Neurosis
Pagano (in street clothes) & SickBoy beat Neurosis and may get a tag title shot.
2) Dralion b Kaientai, Aéreo (Ciudad Juarez)
Aereo looked good in his debut here. He and Pagano arrived from a show in Panama without lugagge (recap suggests at more than flight problems) and Aereo wrestled in a different mark. Dralion won with a 450 on lamps. Kaientai did a pipebomb promo before the match, complaining about not winning because he doesn't go out drinking with everyone after the show.
3) Babe Fox & Hooligan Byron b Jhonky & Optimus
Baby Fox suffered a big cut on a hand and left the match. Byron was doubel teammed until the rest of the UnMexicans helped out
4) Erick Snake & Xtreme Dragón b Epydemius & Kratoz
Snake gave Epydemius for a martinete
5) El Invasor b Águila Extrema
Event Notes: Xtreme Bloody Gore
NGX (SAT) 07/20/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) Xtreme Dragón b Psicótico, Vértigo [NGX FREE STYLE, semifinal]
Dragon Spanish fly on Vertigo. Best match of this tournament, which will finish with a three way on an upcoming NGX show.
2) Erick Snake b Aztek, Epydemius [NGX FREE STYLE, semifinal]
Aztek replaced Skam 13. Snake beat Epydemius. Bad match.
3) Neurosis b Disturbio (Monterrey), Byron Hooligan [NGX FREE STYLE, semifinal]
Byron Hooligan is the former Lord Byron, now meaner. Neurosis beat Disturbio.
4) Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II b Cachorro Zapata, Dralion, Optumuz
Total technical match. Optumuz was not thought of on the same level as the other guys in this match but did well for himself (with still a few moments of nerves.) He was beat by Trauma I, Dralion beat Trauma II quickly after and dove onto Trauma I, and Navarro submitted Zapata. Money thrown in. Luchadors suggested a Zapata/Traumas vs Navarro/Dralion/Optumuz rematch. Dralion is specifically mentioned as a student of Zapata, but not related to Zapata or Optumuz (Zapata's son.)
5) Aeroboy, Dance Boy, Kaientai b Joe Lider, Pagano, Sick Boy
Aeroboy and Kaientai did not get along, Aero eventually causing Kaientai to take the loss from Lider. Aero and Kaientai hyped their match on the ChilangaMask show while Pagano & Sick Boy asked for a NGX ttag title shot.
NGX (SAT) 04/13/2013 Gimnasio Factores Mutuos, Monterrey, Nuevo León [LuchaMania Monterrey]
1) Optimus b Epydemius, Slayer Boy [King of the Deathmatch, semifinal]
Epydemius did a tope con giro in the first minute of the match and hurt his ankle on the landing, leaving him unable to continue. After Slayer Boy lost, he announced his retirement (which had been anticipated.)
2) Dralion b Slade, Aztek [King of the Deathmatch, semifinal]
Aztek replaced Murder Angel. Dralion, the favorite, won with a Dragonrana.
3) Neurosis b Xtreme Dragón, Vértigo [King of the Deathmatch, semifinal]
Said to be best match of the tournament. Dragon beat Vertigo, Neurosis beat Dragon with a superplex.
4) Ludark Shaitan b Chik Tormenta, Poly Star [NGX Women]
Poly Star was out first, and Ludark beat Chik Tormenta to win the new championship.
5) Pagano, Sick Boy, Skam 13 b Erick Snake, Kaientai, Lord Byron
Prior to the match, Kaientai apologized for his last match - not for it being bad, but for the fans being too ignorant to understand it. Skam put Snake thru light tubes for the win. This reads like the most extreme match of the night.
6) Dralion b Neurosis, Optimus [King of the Death Match, final]
Dralion beat Neurosis with a 450 splash for the win. It's his second King of the Death Match tournament victory and he gets a shot at Extreme Tiger and the NGX championship
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last updated: 2025-02-24 15:55