AAA TV: 2022-11
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AAA TV (SUN) 11/20/2022 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua [4 Equinas LL]
1) Güero Bandido, Monaguillo, Samuray VIP vs Johan King, Ráfaga Jr., Serpiente Blanco Jr.
2) Cobarde b Aéreo, Mini Abismo Negro *
Scheduled as Aereo, Cobrade and Microman vs Arez, Mini Abismo and Rey Horus. Horus and Arez moved up as replacement, Microman just didn't appear. Los Mercenarios attacked the participants after the match. Octagon Jr. confronted Villano 3, with Pentagon Jr. making the save after that didn't work out.
3) Flammer, La Hiedra, Maravilla b Reina Dorada, Sexy Star, Sussy Love *
4) Bestia 666 & Mecha Wolf b Jack Cartwheel & Willie Mack *
5) Arez, Bandido, Octagón Jr. b Gringo Loco, Rey Horus, Villano III Jr. *
Arez replaced Vikingo (injury), Rey Horus replaced Flamita (Japan/GLEAT). Bandido beat Gringo Loco. Hijo del Vikingo appeared before the third match and faced off with Bandido to tease their title match.
6) Rey Escorpión, Sam Adonis, Taurus b Pagano, Pentagón Jr., Psycho Clown *
Adonis fouled Psycho and pinned him
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last updated: 2025-02-27 01:34