EMLL DF: 1964-04

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EMLL (SAT) 04/04/1964 Arena México [Lucha Libre 58]
1) Karloff Lagarde & Ray Mendoza b Espanto I & Rene Guajardo

EMLL (FRI) 04/10/1964 Arena México [Lucha Libre 30]
1) El Santo b Karloff Lagarde [NWA MIDDLE, quarterfinal, #1 Contenders]
2) Antonio Montoro b Blue Demon [NWA MIDDLE, quarterfinal, #1 Contenders]
3) Benny Gallant b Rolando Vera [NWA MIDDLE, quarterfinal, #1 Contenders]
4) Rene Guajardo b El Nazi [NWA MIDDLE, quarterfinal, #1 Contenders]

EMLL (FRI) 04/17/1964 Arena México [Lucha Libre 27, Lucha Libre 58]
1) Ruddy Palma b El Vikingo
return of Ruddy
2) Califa TLDRAW El Rebelde
return of Califa, who looked good
3) Blue Demon, Rayo de Jalisco, Rolando Vera b El Gladiador, Espanto I, Espanto II
Demon replaced Dory Dixion, who was in the hospital with hepatitis (!)
4) El Santo b Rene Guajardo [NWA MIDDLE, #1 Contenders, semifinal]
crowd was way into the match
5) Benny Gallant b Antonio Montoro [NWA MIDDLE, #1 Contenders, semifinal]

source: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/205275_509803062400767_1126409120_n.jpg?oh=6ccddddc5d6933cb940c3a81409b76e4&oe=54B292F0&__gda__=1421513761_96890c64f476d0620be91276bc74d6e5&dl=1


EMLL (TUE) 04/21/1964 Arena México [Lucha Libre 27]
1) Ulises b Chanoc © [MEX LIGHT]
best match of the night. Referee was Quiroz
2) Rizado Ruiz b Halcón Dorado [MEX WELTER, final]
referee was Eddie Palau
3) Pepe Mendieta © b Chino Chow [MEX HEAVY]
Chino was called the weakest challenger. Pepe Jaramillo was referee.
4) Ray Mendoza © b Rubén Juárez [MEX LH]
Best defense. Abel Castro was referee
5) El Santo b Karloff Lagarde [MEX MIDDLE]
Karloff was DQed in the frist fall, and Santo used a new hold (!) to win the match. Roberto Rangel was referee, best referee on the show.

Event Notes: Carnaval de Campeons benefit show, proceeds went to the Luchador and Referees Union of Mexico. Gate was reported as 85000 pesos.

EMLL (FRI) 04/24/1964 Arena México [Lucha Libre 28]
***Arena Mexico 8th Anniversary***
1) Mishima Ota TLDRAW Ruddy Valentino
15 minute limit
2) Jean Safont b Memo Rubio
3) Rizado Ruiz b El Rebelde
4) Tono Montoro b Espanto II
5) Ray Mendoza b Espanto I
6) Karloff Lagarde & Rene Guajardo b Blue Demon & Rolando Vera
7) Benny Gallant b El Santo [NWA MIDDLE, #1 Contenders, torneo, final]
Santo beat in the tournament final! Galant took 1/3.

EMLL (SUN) 04/26/1964 Arena Coliseo [Lucha Libre 28]
1) Ruddy Palma b Al Hernández
2) Carlos Mayo b Cesar Valentino
3) Huroki Sito b Jorge Rubio
4) Espanto III & Manuel Robles DQ Humberto Garza & Tony López
Espanto II tosses his mask to pull off hte DQ. Straight falls.
5) Rayo de Jalisco & Rubén Juárez b Chino Chow & Gladiador

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