Silver Cat


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date
CMLL Top Regular rudo 1985-11-26 1985-12-03
CMLL Top Regular rudo 1986-07-13 1986-09-13
CMLL Top Regular rudo 1991-04-24 1992-07-26
AAA Mid Regular rudo 1992-12-10 1993-05-30
AAA Mid Regular rudo 1993-09-03 1993-10-01
AAA Mid Regular rudo 1994-08-01 1997-10-26
AAA Mid Regular rudo 1998-08-13 1999-12-04
AAA Mid Regular rudo 2000-02-17 2000-02-19
AAA Mid Regular rudo 2000-09-18 2003-05-18
AAA Mid Regular rudo 2003-10-18 2003-11-20
AAA Mid Regular rudo 2004-05-01 2007-10-21
AAA Mid Regular rudo 2008-04-28 2008-10-20

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 294

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
El Enjambre 1991-01-01 1992-08-01 --- --- --- 2118
Enjambre 1991-01-01 1992-08-01 --- --- --- 18536
El Repitl 1992-01-01 1993-04-01 --- --- --- 21587
El Hijo Del Espectro 1900-01-01 2000-01-01 --- --- --- 1360
Silver Cat 2000-01-01 current --- --- Distrito Federal 19482
Silver Cat 2000-01-01 current --- --- Estado de México 19481
Silver Cat 2000-01-01 current --- --- Nuevo León 12238
Silver Cat 2000-01-01 current --- --- Guanajuato 12237
Silver Cat (AAA) 2000-01-01 current --- --- --- 12236
Silver Cat 2000-01-01 current --- --- --- 333

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2019-10-31 Arena Lopez Mateos Imposible, Terry 2000, Último Legendario vs May Flowers, Nygma, Silver Cat Klandestino Ultratumba, Arena López Mateos | +Lucha sábado por la Noche (posted by mluchatv) My Flowers, Nygma e Hijo del Picudo vs Ultimo Legendario, Terry 2000 e Imposible en AULL. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Terry 2000,  Imposible y Último Legendario vs H. Del Picudo, Nigma Y May Flowers (posted by mluchatv)
2019-11-24 Escuela Francisco Villa, Huixquilucan, Estado de México El Vago, Mini Picudo, Silver Cat vs Espantapájaros, La Parkita, Thunder Boy
2020-03-01 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua Centinela, Lady Shany, Pimpinela Escarlata b Mamba, Silver Cat, Venus Lady Shani, Pimpinela Escarlata y Centinela vs Mamba, Venus y Silver Cat - Lucha Juárez (posted by mluchatv) Lady Shani, Pimpinela Escarlata y Centinela vs Mamba, Venus y Silver Cat, Lucha Juárez (posted by mluchatv) Máscara vs Máscara, en Lucha Juárez | +Lucha Sunday Night (posted by mluchatv)
Venus, who had been unmasked on a previous show, was the surprise luchadora. Centinela (replacing Astreisco Jr.) betrayed Pimpienla with a foul. Chessman appeared and offered Centinela the chance to team with the OGTs in Juarez.
2020-10-10 Arena San Juan Pantitlan, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México Histeria, Maniaco, Mosco de la Merced, Psicosis II vs Hijo del Picudo, May Flowers, Shalie Rockstar, Silver Cat Lucha Libre. Homenaje Póstumo al Picudo. Los Vatos Locos vs Los Vipers. (posted by LUCHA SAFEX SPORT) Psicosis, Histeria, Maníaco y Mosco de la Merced vs Silver Cat, Sharlie Rockstar, Hijo del Picudo y (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Psicosis, Histeria, Mosco de la Merced y Maníaco VS H. Del Picudo, Rock Star, Silver Cat y My Flawer (posted by hector godfrey) Vatos Locos Vs Vipers (posted by LUCHA SAFEX SPORT)
2021-04-03 Arena Azteca Budokan, Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México Demon Rocker, Devil Rocker, Euro Rocker, Machine Rocker vs May Flowers, Nygma, Picudo Jr., Silver Cat Infierno Rockers vs Vatos Locos desde la Arena Azteca Budokan (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Vatos Locos vs Inferno Rockers. Luchadores Aztecas Unidos. (posted by LUCHA SAFEX SPORT) Vatos Locos VS The Inferno Rocker en la Arena Azteca Budokan (posted by hector godfrey)
2022-04-30 Teneria y Molineros Col. Azteca, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal La Rata, Nigma, Silver Cat vs Gran Markus Ng, Ultratumba, Violencia Jr.
2022-05-08 Tlalpan, Distrito Federal Mini Silver Cat & Silver Cat vs Espectrito & Espectro 2000
2022-07-17 Arena 23 de Junio, Nicolás Romero, Estado de México El Símbolo, Gigante Karoshi, Silver Cat vs Jefe Hacha, Kanelo Jack, Patriarca Rojas
2022-09-11 Arena 23 de Junio, Nicolás Romero, Estado de México Corredor, Fórmula, Silver Cat vs Energía, Francis Lu, Vaquero García
2022-11-27 Arena 23 de Junio, Nicolás Romero, Estado de México Fórmula, Silver Cat, X Corpio vs Francis Lu, Isa Rob Dan, Richy Beda
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2005-03-27 Noches de Coliseo Estrella Dorada Jr., Hator, Monje Negro Jr. b Espíritu, Nygma, Silver Cat *
2005-08-07 Noches de Coliseo Estrella Dorada Jr., Hator, Monje Negro Jr. b Espíritu, Picudo, Silver Cat *
2005-12-04 AAA on Televisa Cuervo, Escoria, Ozz b Espíritu, Picudo, Silver Cat *
2006-01-29 AAA on Televisa Nygma, Picudo, Silver Cat b Alan, Billy Boy, Decnnis *
2006-02-26 AAA on Televisa Alan, Billy Boy, Decnnis b Nygma, Picudo, Silver Cat *

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2017-03-19 Gimnasio Coliseo Arena, San Lorenzo Tepatitlán, Toluca, Estado de México Silver Cat vs Slayer [bull terrier] Silver Cat VS Slayer . Lucha en Bull Terrier Match (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA)
2017-04-10 Unidad Deportiva Bicentenario San Mateo Atenco, San Mateo Atenco, Estado de México Mahi Tortuga I, Mahi Tortuga II, Mahi Tortuga III, Mahi Tortuga IV vs Baby Galardo, Kahoz Jr., Master Boy, Silver Cat Las Maxi Tortugas I, II, III Y IV VS Silver Cat, Kahoz Jr, Master Boy y Baby Gallardo (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA)
2017-06-25 Arena Municipal San Lucas Tepemajalco, San Antonio la Isla, Estado de México May Flowers, Picudo, Silver Cat (AAA) vs Aeroboy, Demente Extreme, Resplandor Jr. Picudo,Silver Cat y May Flowers  (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA)
2017-07-16 Arena Ex-Fabrica de San Bruno, Xalapa, Veracruz May Flowers, Nygma, Picudo, Silver Cat (AAA) vs Anticristo, Caballero Negro Jr., Fobia, Perro Mocho Vatos locos vs Hijos de la anarquía,anticristo, perro mocho fobia y caballero negro jr. (posted by Xalapa es)
2019-09-23 Mercado Mixcalco, Cuauhtémoc, Distrito Federal Bugambilia, Fishman Jr., La Máscara vs Pandemónium, Pentagon, Silver Cat LA MASCARA, BUGAMBILIA Y FISHMAN JR VS PANDEMONIUM, PENTAGON Y SILVER CAT (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2019-10-06 Gimnasio Apolo, Xochimilco, Distrito Federal Internacional Mara, Nigma, Picudo, Silver Cat vs Mini Rencor, Mini Soul Rocker, Pequeño Boricua, Sombrita LA LIGA DE LA JUSTICIA VS LOS VATOS LOCOS (posted by FOTO LUCHAS)
2019-10-31 Arena Lopez Mateos Imposible, Terry 2000, Último Legendario vs May Flowers, Nygma, Silver Cat Klandestino Ultratumba, Arena López Mateos | +Lucha sábado por la Noche (posted by mluchatv) My Flowers, Nygma e Hijo del Picudo vs Ultimo Legendario, Terry 2000 e Imposible en AULL. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Terry 2000,  Imposible y Último Legendario vs H. Del Picudo, Nigma Y May Flowers (posted by mluchatv)
2020-03-01 Gimnasio Municipal Josué Neri Santos, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua Centinela, Lady Shany, Pimpinela Escarlata b Mamba, Silver Cat, Venus Lady Shani, Pimpinela Escarlata y Centinela vs Mamba, Venus y Silver Cat - Lucha Juárez (posted by mluchatv) Lady Shani, Pimpinela Escarlata y Centinela vs Mamba, Venus y Silver Cat, Lucha Juárez (posted by mluchatv) Máscara vs Máscara, en Lucha Juárez | +Lucha Sunday Night (posted by mluchatv)
Venus, who had been unmasked on a previous show, was the surprise luchadora. Centinela (replacing Astreisco Jr.) betrayed Pimpienla with a foul. Chessman appeared and offered Centinela the chance to team with the OGTs in Juarez.
2020-10-10 Arena San Juan Pantitlan, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México Histeria, Maniaco, Mosco de la Merced, Psicosis II vs Hijo del Picudo, May Flowers, Shalie Rockstar, Silver Cat Lucha Libre. Homenaje Póstumo al Picudo. Los Vatos Locos vs Los Vipers. (posted by LUCHA SAFEX SPORT) Psicosis, Histeria, Maníaco y Mosco de la Merced vs Silver Cat, Sharlie Rockstar, Hijo del Picudo y (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Psicosis, Histeria, Mosco de la Merced y Maníaco VS H. Del Picudo, Rock Star, Silver Cat y My Flawer (posted by hector godfrey) Vatos Locos Vs Vipers (posted by LUCHA SAFEX SPORT)
2021-04-03 Arena Azteca Budokan, Ciudad Nezahualcoyotl, Estado de México Demon Rocker, Devil Rocker, Euro Rocker, Machine Rocker vs May Flowers, Nygma, Picudo Jr., Silver Cat Infierno Rockers vs Vatos Locos desde la Arena Azteca Budokan (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Vatos Locos vs Inferno Rockers. Luchadores Aztecas Unidos. (posted by LUCHA SAFEX SPORT) Vatos Locos VS The Inferno Rocker en la Arena Azteca Budokan (posted by hector godfrey)

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Last Updated: 2025-02-27 02:22 AM CST '