Rider (FULL)

LuchaWiki: http://www.luchawiki.org/index.php?title=Rider_(FULL)

Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 5360

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Rider (FULL) 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 12721
Rider 2010-01-01 current --- --- Distrito Federal 12722
Rider 2010-01-01 current --- --- Estado de México 12723
Raider 2010-01-01 current --- --- Distrito Federal 18247
Raider 2010-01-01 current --- --- Estado de México 18248
Raider 2010-01-01 current --- --- Hidalgo 18249
Rider 2010-01-01 current --- --- Hidalgo 18250

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2024-09-22 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Ángel Guerrero, Destino Mágico, Obsidian vs Baal, Black Lupus, Raider
2024-09-28 Arena 2 de Junio, Col. Benito Juárez, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México Sky Danger vs Dark Prince, Arcángel Celestial, Hija De Barrio Negro, Gitana, Red Fénix, Raider, Augia Dorada, Gato Salvaje Jr., Guerrero Del Aire, Dragón Guardián, Fantasma Aéreo [Copa Las Rudas]
2024-09-29 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Black Lupus, Príncipe Nocturno, Raider vs Reptilum, Ultratumba Jr., Yampi
2024-11-03 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Destino Mágico, Estrella Azteca, Raider vs Baal, Vago I, Vago II
2024-11-17 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Raider & Tigre Siberiak vs Baal & Luis Cirio
2025-01-05 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Aquaman, Baal, Luis Cirio b Poker, Raider, Tigre Siberiack
2025-01-06 Canchas de Fútbol, Iztacalco, Distrito Federal Araña De Oro Jr., Kato Kung Lee, Raider vs Danakar, Platino, Predicador
2025-01-19 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Crazy Ángel & Obsidian vs Infierno & Raider
2025-02-23 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Poker, Raider, Tiger Siberiak vs Baal, Barrio Negro, Luis Cirio [LLICM TRIOS] LUIS CIRIO, BAAL Y BARRIO NEGRO VS RAIDER TIGRE SIBERIAK Y POKER CAMPEONATO DE TRIOS COLISEO MORELOS (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2025-03-02 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Cavernicola, Pueblito, Raider b Black Pistol, Dark Lobo, Teylor
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match
2012-01-28 Lucha on AYM Sports Huracán Ramírez Jr. & Rey Kumbiato b Fishman Jr. & Rider *
2015-05-31 FULL TV Alfa & Omega vs Boomerang & Rider *

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2023-04-30 Arena Lopez Mateos Magnético vs Dardo, Guerrero Jaguar, Harley Williams, Dark, Aerocat, Rey Fontes, Ciclón Negro Jr., Raider, Monte Mayor LUCHA CAMPAL TODOS VS TODOS, DÍA DEL NIÑO EN LA LÓPEZ MATEOS (posted by hector godfrey)
2023-06-25 Coliseo Ecatepec, Ecatepec, Estado de México Rayado b Omi, Exterminio, Malaente, Ikki De Fénix, Reyako, Alma Negra, Último Caballero, Titanio, Johnny Sanchez, Antony Montaña, Metal Rider, Acustico, Rider, Samuel COPA DIOSES DE GU3RR4 LUCHA CAMPAL. COLISEO ECATEPEC . CH1NG0N3S LUCHA LIBRE (posted by hector godfrey) COPA DIOSES DE LA GUERRA. 25-06-23. (posted by LUCHA LIBRE INDEPENDIENTE)
2023-07-29 Sala de Armas Magdalena Mixhuca, Ciudad México, Distrito Federal Alma Negra & Jhonny Sanchez vs Rider & Último Caballero ALMA NEGRA Y JHONNY SÁNCHEZ VS RIDER Y ÚLTIMO CABALLERO (posted by hector godfrey)
2023-10-08 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Black Pistol, Blue Danger, Indeseable Kid, Raider vs Crazy Ángel, Dragón Celeste, Fatidico, Kentai FATIDICO, CRAZY ANGEL, DRAGON CELESTE Y KENTAI VS RAIDER, BLUE DRAGON, BLACK PISTOL E INDESEABLE KID (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2023-11-26 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Dragón de Plata, Espía Jr., Fly vs Poker, Raider, Reptil REPTIL, POKER Y RAIDER VS DRAGON DE PLATA, ESPIA JR Y FLY (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2024-02-04 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Ángel Guerrero, Krok, Obsidian vs Espía, Raider, Reptil REPTIL, ESPÍA Y RAIDER VS KROK, ANGEL GUERRERO Y OBSIDIAN (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2024-03-10 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Crazy Ángel, Estrella Azteca, Pueblito b Hellsing, Lover Boy, Raider Pueblito, Crazy Ange y Estrella Azteca vs Lover Boy, Helsing y Raider COLISEO MORELOS (posted by Estrellas del Ring) PUEBLITO, CRAZY ANGEL Y ESTRELLA AZTECA VS LOVER BOY, RAIDER Y HELSING (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2024-05-19 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal King Geminis, Raider, Reptil vs Crazy Ángel, Dr. Siniestro, Indesable Kid REPTIL, RAIDER Y KING GEMINIS VS INDESEABLE KID CRAZY ANGEL Y DOCTOR SINIESTRO (posted by RING QUERETANO)
2024-09-15 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Crazy Ángel, Pueblito, Raider vs Aquaman, Baal, Luis Cirio Aquaman, Baal y Luis Cirio vs Crazy Angel, Pueblito y Raider COLISEO MORELOS (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2025-02-23 Coliseo Morelos, Venustiano Carranza, Distrito Federal Poker, Raider, Tiger Siberiak vs Baal, Barrio Negro, Luis Cirio [LLICM TRIOS] LUIS CIRIO, BAAL Y BARRIO NEGRO VS RAIDER TIGRE SIBERIAK Y POKER CAMPEONATO DE TRIOS COLISEO MORELOS (posted by RING QUERETANO)

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Last Updated: 2025-03-03 02:21 AM CST '