Caballero de Atena


Promotion History:

Promotion Level Freq Tech Start Date End Date

Name History
(will match the use of that specific name between those dates, and can be further limited by arena, promotion and/or date)

WrestlerID: 6083

Name Start Date End Date Arena Promotion Location identity ID
Caballero de Atena 1900-01-01 current --- --- --- 15059

Last 10 and Upcoming Matches:

Date Location Match
2021-10-10 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Mini Makara I, Mini Makara II, Sombra Blanca vs Caballero de Atena, Guerrero Sagrado, Misionero del Diablo and Bayek, Bogar, Deluto II
2021-10-17 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Émulo Chino Jr. & Hantar vs Caballero de Atena & Guerrero Sagrado
2021-10-24 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena & Guerrero Sagrado vs Azteca De Plata & Misionero del Diablo
2021-11-14 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Beelzebub, Gran Espíritu, Príncipe Salvaje Jr. vs Caballero de Atena, Drástico, Payaso De Rodeo and Malévolo, Mini Dark, Rey Tormenta Jr.
2021-12-12 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Pumara, Rey Cronos I, Rey Cronos II vs Arquero, Caballero de Atena, Princesa Amazona
2021-12-19 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Beelzebub, Killer King, Príncipe Salvaje Jr. b Aliado De La Noche, Barrio Azteca, Caballero de Atena
2021-12-30 Arena 11 de Julio, Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena vs Guerrero Sagrado Jr.
2022-01-02 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Andrómeda, Caballero de Atena, Guerrero Sagrado vs Átomo, Darketo, Garegy
2022-01-09 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Flama Azteca, Rebelde Oriental, Rebeldía vs Caballero de Atena, Fugaz, Guerrero Sagrado
2022-02-06 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena, Deluto II, Deluto Jr. vs Barrio Azteca, Guerrero Sagrado, Killer King
Upcoming Matches

Last 5 Aired TV Matches:

Air Date Show Match

10 Most Recent Uploaded Matches:

Match Date Show Match
2020-03-08 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena, Hijo De Gasparín, Lobo Blanco Jr. DCOR Falcón Fire, Rey Dragón, Símbolo Azteca © [CLLT TRIOS] Campeonato de Tercias Deportivo 11 de Julio 8 de marzo 2020 (posted by Función Estelar Radio)
Set up a super libre rematch. Trivia: CLLT stands for Coalición Lucha Libre Tarasco
2020-03-15 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Hijo de Payaso Purasanta, Payaso Pura Santa, Payaso Pura Santa Jr. DCOR Caballero de Atena, Jitsu, Rey Dragón Vanguardia vs Welcome to mi Barrio, La Confrontación / + Lucha Sunday Night (posted by mluchatv) Vanguardia vs WTMB - Odaiba Squad vs Payasos Pura Santa - Pachuca, Hgo. (posted by mluchatv)
neither team was happy with the result
2020-04-01 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Miedo Extremo b Caballero de Atena [El Rey del Ghetto, final] El Rey del Ghetto, Vanguardia | #QuédateEnCasa (posted by mluchatv) Final Rey del Ghetto - Miedo Extremo vs Caballero de Atena  - Arena 11 de Julio - Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv)
2020-04-01 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena b Draztick Boy [El Rey del Ghetto, semifinal] El Rey del Ghetto, Vanguardia | #QuédateEnCasa (posted by mluchatv) Semifinal  Rey del Ghetto - Caballero de Atena vs Draztick Boy - Arena 11 de Julio - Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv)
6:48. Referee was about to call the match for Draztick Boy via knockout when the lights went out. The lights came back on and Draztick Boy was down, with the implication that Odibia Squad had attacked him.
2020-04-01 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena b Símbolo Azteca [El Rey del Ghetto, quarterfinal] Cuartos de Final Rey del Ghetto-Símbolo Azteca vs Caballero de Atena - Arena 11 de Julio-Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) El Rey del Ghetto, Vanguardia | #QuédateEnCasa (posted by mluchatv)
10:26. Win via submission.
2020-06-20 Pachuca, Hidalgo Crazy King b Aron Sykes, Dragón Boy, Santy Hernández, Murdock, Caballero de Atena, Rey Dragón, Billy Gamer, Jordan The Ring Announcer, Sacma, Gasparín Jr., Símbolo Azteca, Dark Maker, Freddy (Micro), Jitsu, Draztick Boy [royal rumble] Vanguardia | Aglomeración en el Cuadrilátero *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Vanguardia | Tierra de Oportunidades (posted by mluchatv)
30:24. Crazy King, the current DTU champion, was the last surprise entrant. (Everyone was a surprise.) Crazy King brought the DTU belt. He's entitled to a title match of his choice but declined to make his pick so far.
2020-08-29 Tulancingo, Hidalgo Crazy King, Fly Star, Miedo Extremo b Caballero de Atena, Dragón Boy, Jitsu, Rey Dragón [infierno death match] Vanguardia | Lucha Extrema Deathmatch | Macizos y Fly Star vs Odaiba Squad | * (posted by mluchatv) Vanguardia, Permanencia Voluntaria | Auto Luchas #NuevaNormalidad (posted by mluchatv)
Santy Hernandez interfered, but Ciclope returned from his forever ban to run him off and throw him in an ice cream truck. Macizos won, then Crazy King challenged Fly Star for the 4x4 championship (which seems to be treated now like a regular title and no longer a 24x7 deal.)
2020-09-19 Estadio Primero de Mayo, Tulancingo, Hidalgo Billy Gamer, Dark Biker, Murdock b Caballero de Atena & Dragón Boy La Odaiba Squad vs Los Fugitivos | Viva Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) Viva Vanguardia |  LuchaSnack (posted by mluchatv)
3 vs 2
2021-03-07 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México Chicago Rush, Enigma Negra, Genio Rojo vs Caballero de Atena, Chacos De Oro, Orión Universal Enigma Negro, Chicago Rush y Genio Rojo VS Caballero de Atenea, Orion Universal y Chacos de Oro (posted by hector godfrey)
2021-04-25 Deportivo 11 de Julio, Pachuca, Hidalgo Caballero de Atena & Guerrero Sagrado © vs Hijo De Gasparín & Símbolo Azteca [CLLT TAG] A ras de lona: Campeonato de parejas CLLT S. Azteca, Gasparin JR VS C. de atena y G. Sagrado (posted by Cuadrilátero Tv)

Recommended Matches:

Date Location Match Rating
2020-08-29 Tulancingo, Hidalgo Crazy King, Fly Star, Miedo Extremo b Caballero de Atena, Dragón Boy, Jitsu, Rey Dragón [infierno death match] Vanguardia | Lucha Extrema Deathmatch | Macizos y Fly Star vs Odaiba Squad | * (posted by mluchatv) Vanguardia, Permanencia Voluntaria | Auto Luchas #NuevaNormalidad (posted by mluchatv)
Santy Hernandez interfered, but Ciclope returned from his forever ban to run him off and throw him in an ice cream truck. Macizos won, then Crazy King challenged Fly Star for the 4x4 championship (which seems to be treated now like a regular title and no longer a 24x7 deal.)

Perfomance Record

Date Total Wins Losses Draws Unknowns Percentage
2018 - All 44 13 10 2 19 56%
2019 - All 52 10 19 1 22 35%
2020 - All 17 6 5 2 4 53%
2021 - All 20 0 1 0 19 0%
2022 - All 3 0 0 0 3
Total 136 29 35 5 67 45%

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Last Updated: 2024-07-10 04:20 AM CDT '