

CMLL (FRI) 09/27/2024 Arena México
1) Máscara Dorada, Neón, Star Jr. © vs Averno, Euforia, Mephisto [CMLL TRIOS]
1st defense. Los Infernales won the title shot over Los Guerreros Laguneros and Atlantis, Blue Panther and Octagon
2) Último Dragóncito © vs Pierrothito [CMLL MINI]
2nd defense. Pierrothito won shot over Angelito & Mercurio.
3) Magnus & Rugido vs Hijo del Villano III & Villano III Jr. [MEX TAG]
6th defense. Villanos won shot over Dark Panther/Hijo de Blue Panther and
4) Reyna Isis © vs Sanely [MEX WOMEN]
6th defense. Sanely won the vote over Hera & Princesa Sugehit.
5) Templario © vs Volador Jr. [CMLL MIDDLE]
2nd defense. Volador Jr. won the vote ahead of Dragon Rojo & Flip Gordon.
6) Atlantis Jr. © vs Soberano Jr. [NWA LH]
2nd defense. Soberano Jr. won over Akuma & Barbaro Cavernario
7) Futuro © vs Rayo Metálico [MEX LIGHT]
2nd defense. Rayo Metalico won the shot over Calavera Jr. I and Electrico

last updated: 2024-09-26 12:30

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