
NOBA (SUN) 03/31/2024 CAR NOBA, Acapulco, Guerrero [Las Estrellas de Guerrero]
1) Ruster b Rey Muerte
2) Falcón & Love Rider b 24 Kilates & El Moro
Moro betrayed 24 Kilates
3) Agorafobia III, Guerrero Jr., Monstruo Negro b Demonio Chino, Ikaris, Rey Anfibio
4) Capitán Átomo, Ilegal Imigrant, Kimura Dragón, Ricky Marvin b Fénix, Fénix Jr., Mike Man, Pez Tiburón Lucha Estrella Car NOBA domingo 31 de Marzo (posted by Manny Molina) Ricky Marvin en Acapulco   Car NOBA (posted by Manny Molina)
Ilegal Imigrant and Mike Man are from Hong Kong (Marvin connection). Mike Man defeated Marvin via foul.

Last Updated: 2025-01-30 10:16:19

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