

Indy (SUN) 01/14/2024 Salón de la CNC, Oaxaca, Oaxaca [NVI Noticias]
1) Consentido & Holocausto b Látigo (Oaxaca) & Rey Demencia
2) Halcón Azul Jr. & Súper Saurio b Asmedeo & Rubicela
3) Emisario De La Justicia, Payasoito Triki Traka, Piel Canela b Ali Power, Black Twister, Coyote
4) Challenger Jr. & Fantasma Blanco Jr. b Black Orus & Endeavor
5) Pelo Fino L Coloso Negro, Zodiaco 2000, Zombi Jr., Caballero Templario, Príncipe Cóndor, Black Venum [hair]
Pelo Fino is the referee, who was not originally in the match

last updated: 2024-03-23 01:11

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