Big Lucha World (WED) 07/06/2022 Bandidos Gym, Iztapalapa, Distrito Federal
1) Metal Shadow b Zenky Metal Shadow VS Zenky | Lucha completa | Big Lucha World Ep. 7 (posted by mluchatv)
2) Shocko b Carito Mano a mano Carito VS Shocko | Lucha completa | Big Lucha World Ep. 7 (posted by mluchatv)
Flamita teased adding Shocko to Black Generation
3) Accion Jackson & Yutani b Elipse & Órbita and La Estrella & Takuma Yutani y Action Jackson VS Estrella y Takuma VS Órbita y Elipse | Big Lucha World Ep. 7 (posted by mluchatv)
4) El Potro de Oro b Tirano Mano a mano: El Potro c/ Maximiliano Rivera Romero VS Tirano | Big Lucha Wolrd Ep. 7 |Full match (posted by mluchatv)
ref bump/foul to set up Potro's win

Last Updated: 2025-01-29 10:18:47

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