
NWG (FRI) 08/13/2021 Arena Roberto Paz, Guadalajara, Jalisco [Mas Lucha]
1) ? vs ??
2) Sombra Dorada b Príncipe Quetzal Príncipe Quetzal vs Sombra Dorada, Lucha Mano a Mano Hardcore, Reglas Extremas 2 (posted by lucha libre select 11) Sombra Dorada vs Príncipe Quetzal  | Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv)
3) Joe Lider b Aero Xtreme Joe Lider vs Aero Xtreme |  Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv) Joe Lider vs Aero Xtreme Mano a Mano, Arena Roberto Paz (posted by lucha libre select 11)
Mr. Aguila did not wrestle due to injury, Aero Xtreme replaced him
4) Dark Power vs Golden Dragón, Demencía, Neptuno, Diamante Negro, Kal El, Guerrero Infernal, Príncipe Ángel
5) Delirio & Xtreme Fly DRAW Lunatik Extreme & Lunatik Fly Lunatk Fly y Lunatik Xtreme vs Delirio y Xtreme Fly  | Arena Roberto Paz (posted by mluchatv)
6) Alex Romano vs Cañonero Jr. Cañonero Jr. vs Alex Romano Lucha Estilo Toreo (posted by lucha libre select 11)

Last Updated: 2025-01-28 03:09:55

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