
Vanguardia (SAT) 02/20/2021 Foro Alumia, Pachuca, Hidalgo [Mas Lucha]
1) Gasparín Jr. & Símbolo Azteca b Dragón Boy & Falcón Fire [BMLL TAG, #1 Contenders] Amor y Control | Lucha Libre Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) Gasparín Jr. y Símbolo Azteca vs Falcon Fire y Dragon Boy | Vanguardia - Amor Y Control (posted by mluchatv)
12:01. Gasparin & Azteca will challenge Moria & Drolux.
2) Billy & Jeff Killer b Dayami & Miedo Extremo Amor y Control | Lucha Libre Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) Miedo Extremo y Dayami vs Fugitivos (Jeff Killer, Billy y Dark Biker) | Vanguardia  *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv)
3) Calibus, Devitt Rodríguez, Edward Gutierrez DQ Colmillo Blanco, Jitsu, Rey Dragón Amor y Control | Lucha Libre Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) El Sindicato (Jitsu, Rey Dragón y Colmillo Blanco) vs Fresh Club (Calibus, Devitt y Edward) - VLL (posted by mluchatv)
11:08. Calibus, Devitt Rodriguez and Edward Gutierrez are #FreshClub. Colmillo Blanco replaced Santy Hernandez. Jitsu fouled Calibus.
4) El Mago & Jimmy NF Aero Boy & Ciclón Infernal Amor y Control | Lucha Libre Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv)
15:58. Ciclon Infernal betrayed Aero Boy, leading into a bonus match.
5) Aeroboy, Calibus, El Mago, Jimmy, Miedo Extremo b Ciclón Infernal, Iaw Mystery Man 1, Iaw Mystery Man 2, Jitsu, Rey Dragón Amor y Control | Lucha Libre Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv) Vanguardia vs Indy Army Wrestling | 5 vs 5 | Amor y Control, Vanguardia (posted by mluchatv)

Last Updated: 2025-01-27 15:09:16

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