
Vanguardia (SUN) 10/25/2020 Estadio Primero de Mayo, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [Criterio Hidalgo, Mas Lucha, thecubsfan]
1) Lobo Blanco b Dayami, Misionero, Rey Dragón, Zagma, Jeff Killer [Vanguardia 4x4] Campeonato Vanguardia 4x4 | Picnic *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Picnic Vanguardia, Estadio 1ro de Mayo, Tulancingo HGO | Evento Completo (posted by mluchatv)
11:27. Rules were a 15 minute time limit (which went short), with falls counting anywhere and the last person to beat the temporary champion before the clock ran out getting the title. Temporay champions went Dayami, Zagma, Rey Dragon, Jeff Killer, Dayami, Zagma, Rey Dragon, Misionero, Rey Dragon and Lobo Blanco beating Rey Dragon at the time limit. Promotion explained this as the title being retained; this is nominally a 24x7 match but the championship never changed hands.
2) Billy & Murdock b Demencia (Illinois) & Golden Dragón (Illinois) Fugitivos vs Demencia y Golden Dragon | Picnic Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Picnic Vanguardia, Estadio 1ro de Mayo, Tulancingo HGO | Evento Completo (posted by mluchatv)
8:03. Payaso Purasantas were advertised but did not appear. Bikers won with outside help from their Dark Biker.
3) Falcón Fire © b Calibus [BMLL CRUISER] Calibus vs Falcon Fire | Campeonato Crucero de BMLL | Picnic Vanguardia *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Picnic Vanguardia, Estadio 1ro de Mayo, Tulancingo HGO | Evento Completo (posted by mluchatv)
19:07. First defense. Calibus lost cleanly, though he asked for another shot.
4) Drolux & Moria b Gasparín Jr. & Símbolo Azteca © [BMLL TAG] Gasparín Jr. y Símbolo Azteca vs Moria y Drolux | Campeonato de Pareja de BMLL | *Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Gasparin Jr. y Símbolo Azteca vs Moria y Drolux | Campeonatos de Parejas Black Mask Lucha Libre (posted by mluchatv) Picnic Vanguardia, Estadio 1ro de Mayo, Tulancingo HGO | Evento Completo (posted by mluchatv)
9:10. The Hunters (Drolux & Moria) won the Black Mask Lucha Libre tag team titles. Santy Hernandez presented them with contracts after the match, which we were led to believe were Vanguardia contracts (but it is Santy Hernandez so it might be something else.)
5) El Mago b Cody Jones, Dragón Boy, Puma de Oro, Aron Sykes El Mago vs Puma de Oro vs Aron Sykes vs Cody Jones vs Dragon Boy | Picnic Vanguardia*Lucha Completa* (posted by mluchatv) Picnic Vanguardia, Estadio 1ro de Mayo, Tulancingo HGO | Evento Completo (posted by mluchatv)
Puma de Oro replaced Principe Aereo and wrestled in a half Principe Aereo mask. Aron Sykes was introduced as the mystery guy (which might be a running Vanguardia joke now), followed by El Mago (ex-Draztick Boy) debuting as the second mystery guy. He got the win.
6) Crazy King & Miedo Extremo b Cíclope (Indie) & Santy Hernández and Jitsu & Lunatik Extreme [VANGUARDIA TAG] Campeonatos de Parejas de Vanguardia | Macizos vs Ciclope y Santy Hdez vs Jitsu y Lunatik Extreme (posted by mluchatv) Picnic Vanguardia, Estadio 1ro de Mayo, Tulancingo HGO | Evento Completo (posted by mluchatv)
A promo early in the show switched around teams to Crazy King & Miedo Extremo vs Ciclope & Santy vs Jitsu & Lunatik Extreme (in for Fly Star.) Earlier, a vignette showed Jitsu & Rey Dragon attacking Dragon Boy and apparently disbanding Odaiba Squad. Ciclope & Santy cost each other advantages many times until they Ciclope tied Santy to an ice cream truck and dragged him away. Miedo pinned Lunatik Extreme to win the new Vanguardia tag titles.

Last Updated: 2025-01-27 12:46:07

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