
Lucha Memes , TWE (SUN) 02/16/2020 Rancho Grande, Tijuana, Baja California [+LuchaTV, The Gladaitores]
1) Arez b Kamik-C [Batte of Tijuas, quarterfinal] #BattleOfTijuas 1a ronda Arez vs Kamikac 16/02/20 (posted by Lucha Memes) | #BattleOfTijuas | Arez vs Kamikc | Eliminatoria 1 | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 1a Lucha  Torneo Arez  VS  Kamik C (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
best match of the tournament
2) Makabre b Arandú [Batte of Tijuas, quarterfinal] #BattleOfTijuas 1a ronda Makabre vs Arandú 16/02/20 Lucha Memes-TWE (posted by Lucha Memes) | #BattleOfTijuas | Arandu vs Makabre | Eliminatoria 2 | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 2a Lucha Torneo   Arandu  VS  Makabre (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Arandú vs Makabre  MANO a MANO en eliminatoria por el Battle of Tijuas con T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
3) Jonathan b Iron Kid (Indie) [Batte of Tijuas, quarterfinal] #BattleOfTijuas 1a ronda Iron Kid vs Jonathan 16/02/20 Lucha Memes-TWE (posted by Lucha Memes) | #BattleOfTijuas | Iron Kid vs Jonathan | Eliminatoria 3 | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 3a Lucha  Torneo   Iron Kid  VS  Jonathan (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Irón Kid vs Jonathan/Heroína  ELIMINATORIA POR EL BATTLE OF TIJUAS CON T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring) jonathan vsi ron kid (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)
4) Xtreme Tiger b The Tiger (Indie) [Batte of Tijuas, quarterfinal] #BattleOfTijuas 1a ronda Xtreme Tiger vs The Tiger 16/02/20 Lucha Memes-TWE (posted by Lucha Memes) | #BattleOfTijuas | Xtreme Tiger vs The Tiger | Eliminatoria 4 | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 4a Lucha  Torneo   Xtreme Tiger  VS  The Tiger (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
The Tiger wanted a rematch to determine who got to be Tiger but was booed by the crowd.
5) Aero Panther b Fight Panther #BattleOfTijuas Aero Panther vs Fight Panther (posted by Lucha Memes) | #BattleOfTijuas | Aero Panther vs Fight Panther | Mano a Mano Espectacular | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 5a Lucha  Mano a Mano   Aero Panther  VS  Fight Pnather (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Aero Panther vs Fight Panther mano a mano con T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring) aero panther VS Figth Panther JR (posted by 2A3CAIDAS)
After the match, Rencor, Rey Jhotan, Gallo Extreme and Sangre Latina Jr. were introduced as part of new TWE project Under the City
6) Jonathan b Arez [Batte of Tijuas, semifinal] | #BattleOfTijuas | Arez vs Jonathan | Eliminatoria 5 | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 6a Lucha  Torneo   Arez  VS  Jonathan (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Jonathan vs Arez   Mano a Mano por el Battle of Tijuas con T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
La Heronia ran in to help Jonathan win.
7) Xtreme Tiger b Makabre [Batte of Tijuas, semifinal] | #BattleOfTijuas | Xtreme Tiger vs Makabre | Eliminatoria 6 | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 7a Lucha  Torneo   Xtreme Tiger  VS  Makabre (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Extreme Tiger vs Makabre   Lucha eliminatoria por el Battle of Tijuas con T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
8) Mr. Maldito b Ángel Metálico | #BattleOfTijuas | Mr Maldito vs Angel Metalico | Maestro contra alumno | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 8a Lucha  Mano A Mano   Mr  Maldito  VS  Angel Metalico (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) ANGEL METALICO VS MR MALDITO (posted by 2A3CAIDAS) Mr. Maldito vs Ángel Metálico  Mano a Mano con T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
9) Xtreme Tiger b Jonathan [Batte of Tijuas, final] | #BattleOfTijuas | xtreme Tiger vs Jonathan | Gran Final del Torneo | (posted by Arena Clandestina) 9a Lucha  Final   Xtreme Tiger  VS  Jonathan (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling) Extreme Tiger vs Jonathan/Heroína  FINAL BATTLE OF TIJUAS CON T.W.E (posted by Estrellas del Ring)

Last Updated: 2025-01-27 08:56:18

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