KAOZ (SUN) 08/11/2019 Arena Coliseo Monterrey [@thekoko666]
1) Apóstol Jr. b Baby Love
2) Kratoz & Oro Negro b Prometeo & Quinto Elemento
Prometeo replaced Baby Xtreme
3) Black Taurus (Indie) & Silver Tiger b Epydemius & Hijo del Espectro and Golden Boy & Halcón Negro Jr.
4) Tiffany & Vazco Jr. b Oriental & Rossy Moreno and Lady Flammer & Red Flamer and Fresero Jr. & Sexy Dulce [KAOZ MIXED TAG]
Sexy Dulce & Fresero, originally said to be blocked from working the show, were added to the match and won the titles.
5) Christi Jaynes & El Mesías b Fresero Jr. & Sexy Dulce © [KAOZ MIXED TAG]
Mesias appeared as a Kaoz authority figure (or a rep of them) and said Fresero & Dulce would have to defend their titles right now. Mesias & Jaynes won.
6) Flamita & The Tiger b Emperador Azteca (Indie) & Hijo del Volador
The Tiger challenged Emperador Azteca
7) Christi Jaynes, El Mesías, Mr. Electro b Dark Cuervo, Dark Scoria, Reina Oscura
Christi Jaynes replaced Sexy Star. Mesias & Electro want a Kaoz tag titles hot against Cuervo & Scoria.
8) Hijo de LA Park, LA Park, LA Park Jr. b Dragón Lee (CMLL), La Bestia Del Ring, Rush
said to be maybe the best Kaoz main so far
Last Updated: 2025-01-27 04:22:18