
AULL (SUN) 07/07/2019 Arena Lopez Mateos [+LuchaTV]
1) Mantra & Novasonic b Bestia Del Caribe & Puercules
2) Dante, Euro, Filder b Caporal, Epidemia, Heavy Boy Dante, Filder, Euro VS Epidemia, Heavy Boy, Caporal, AULL - Arena López Mateos (posted by mluchatv)
3) Capo del Norte, Capo del Sur, Payaso Del Terror DQ Epidemia, Multifacético, Súper Terry Epidemia, Super Terry, Multifacético VS Capos, Payaso del Terror, AULL - Arena López Mateos (posted by mluchatv)
Capo del Norte fouled Multifacetico, Multifacetico unmasked him, only the unmasking was caught
4) Epitafio, Leviatham, Sepulturero b Chucho el Roto, Mexica, Yakuza Leviatham, Epitafio, Sepulturero VS Chucho el Roto, Mexican, Yakuza, AULL - Arena López Mateos (posted by mluchatv)
win via unseen foul. Tormento is out of action with a leg injury.

Last Updated: 2025-01-27 03:56:35

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