
IAW (SAT) 03/02/2019 Centro de Alto Rendimento The Crash, Ecatepec, Estado de México
1) Rasputín b Tromba, Psique, Shura, Guerrero Olímpico, Alimaña Jr., La Fuerza, Guerrero Pantera, Caballero de Plata, Zadkiel [#1 Contenders, IAW CHAMP] Copa (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA) La carta sobreviviente TORNEO IV aniversario entre segunda y tercera (posted by Adrian Martinez)
Energia was listead but is not in the match.
2) Ciclón Infernal, Dragosth, Fandango b Ángel Jr., Deimos, Kunay Ángel Jr, Deimos y Kunai Vs Dragosth, Ciclón Infernal y Fandango / IAW en CAR The Crash (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA) Familia casquivana VS BlackLaw (posted by Adrian Martinez)
money thrown in.
3) Látigo b Tromba, Psycho Kid, Yoruba, Cronix, Moria  (posted by Adrian Martinez) Látigo Vs Yoruba Vs Moria Vs Psycko Kid Vs Hell Rider Vs Cronik / IAW en CAR The Crash (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA)
No Epydemius (flight issue)
4) Aaron Sykes, Helio Guerra, Muerte Infernal, Tristen Guerrero vs Centiela, Murdock, Santy Hernández, X-Boy Aron Sykes, Helio Guerra, Tristen y Muerte Inf Vs Santy, Centinela, X Boy, Murdok y Ge Oneil (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA) The crew VS  Exiliados (posted by Adrian Martinez)
5) Fulgor I & Fulgor II b Aeroboy & Draztick Boy and Memo Romero & Shere Khan Aeroboy y Draztik Boy Vs Fulgor 1 y Fulgor 2 Vs Shere Khan y Memo Romero / IAW CAR The Crash (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA) Ronin VS Fulgores VS Nómadas (posted by Adrian Martinez)
Fulgors want a direct match with Aeroboy & Dratizk Boy.
6) Cobre b Iron Kid, Aerodinamic, Ébano, Príncipe Aéreo AERODINAMIC vs IRON KID vs COBRE vs ÉBANO vs PRICIPE AÉREO (posted by Adrian Martinez) Iron Kid vs Aerodinamyc vs Ébano vs Príncipe Aéreo vs Cobre | Five to Fly | 1er. Armybeersary. (posted by Lucha Army Tv) Iron Kid Vs Cobre Vs Ébano Vs Príncipe Aéreo Vs Aerodynamic / IAW en CAR The Crash (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA) Príncipe Aéreo vs. Iron Kid vs. Cobre vs. Aerodinamic vs. Ebano (posted by Revista BOX Y LUCHA) Príncipe Aéreo vs. Cobre vs. Ebano vs. Iron Kid (posted by Revista BOX Y LUCHA)
7) Cíclope & Miedo Extremo b Demus & Fly Star Cíclope y Miedo Extremo Vs Fly Star y Demus / IAW en CAR The Crash (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA) DEMUS y FLY STAR vs CICLOPE y MIEDO EXTREMO (posted by Adrian Martinez)
extreme match challenges followed
8) Ancla b Jhon Crazy [hair] ANCLA vs JOHN CRAZY (cabellera VS cabellera) (posted by Adrian Martinez) Cabellera Vs Cabellera: Ancla Vs John Crazy / IAW en CAR T he Crash (posted by ENTRE SEGUNDA Y TERCERA)
Ancla took John Crazy's ahir

Last Updated: 2025-01-27 01:09:08

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