PROMELL (THU) 06/13/1996 Arena Olimpico Laguna, Gomez Palacio, Durango [El Siglo de Torreon]
1) Boy Rocker vs Conde Negro
2) Diabólico I, Diabólico II, Piloto Suicida vs La Amenaza, Ministro de la Muerte I, Ministro de la Muerte II
Piloto Suicida and Amenaza are feuding
3) Bala de Plata & Stuka Jr. © vs Star I & Star II
4) Último Guerrero & Último Rebelde vs Diamante & Zafiro
first appearance of Ultimo Guerrero and Ultimo Rebelde under those names, billed as their first appearance in La Laguna...
Last Updated: 2025-01-25 11:08:41