
Mexa Wrestling (SAT) 03/24/2018 Arena San Juan Pantitlan, Ciudad Nezahualcóyotl, Estado de México [+LuchaTV, Estrellas del Ring, the Gladiatores]
1) Torito Negro & Toro Negro b Judas el Traidor & Sobredosis Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD TORO NEGRO JR Y TORITO NEGRO DERROTAN A SOBREDOSISI Y JUDAS EL TRAIDOR (posted by hector godfrey) JUDAS EL TRAIDOR Y SOBREDOSIS ENFRENTAN A TORO NEGRO JUNIOR Y TORITO NEGRO (posted by hector godfrey) JUDAS El TRAIDOR Y SOBREDOSIS VAS TORO NEGRO Y TORITO NEGRO (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Lucha de profesores y alumnos Arena San Juan Pantitlan (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) Toro Negro JR y Torito Negro VS Judas el Traidor y Sobredosis (posted by Adrian Martinez) Toro Negro Jr y Torito Negro vs Judas el Traidor y Sobredosis en Mexa Westling (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
2) Centvrión b Diva Salvaje Centvrion VS Diva Salvaje  (Este cuerpo no es Mio) (posted by Adrian Martinez) Diva Salvaje vs Centurión en lucha de ESTE CUERPO NO ES MIO en Mexa Westling (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Diva Salvaje vs Centvrión - Este Cuerpo No Es Mío en Mexa Wrestling (posted by mluchatv) Este cuerpo no es mio (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) Éste cuerpo no hes mío (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD: CENTURIÓN CON ROPA DE EXÓTICO VENCE A EL MACHO DE DIVA SALVAJE (posted by hector godfrey)
Centvrion and Diva had to switch characters for the match.
3) Princesa Azul b Keyra Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD: KEIRA ENFRENTA A PRINCESA AZUL (posted by hector godfrey) KEIRA SE LA VIO DIFÍCIL CON PRINCESA AZUL NIETA DE ANIBAL (posted by hector godfrey) Keira vs Princesa Azul en Mexa Westling en la Arena San Juan Pantitlán. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Keyra 🆚 princesa azul (posted by CaritaJC LuchaLibre) Keyra vs Princesa Azul, Mexa Wrestling (posted by mluchatv) Mano a mano (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Princesa Azul vs Kaira (posted by Adrian Martinez)
Azul (grand daughter of Anibal) appeared to ask for a chance. She got Keyra and lost. Star Fire attacked Keyra post match and unmasked her.
4) Aramis b Toxin, Moria, Séptimo Dragón, Látigo [THE CRASH JUNIOR, #1 Contenders] ARAMiS VS SÉPTIMO DRAGÓN VS MORIA VS TOXIN VS LÁTIGO MEXA WRESTLING 5 STAR MATCH (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Aramis vs Toxin vs Séptimo Rayo vs Látigo vs Moria en Mexa Westling 5 Star Match (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD: ARAMIS TRIUNFA EN 5 STAR MATCH (posted by hector godfrey) HD:TOXIN AYUDA A METALEON, ATOMIC Y A RAFFY  A GANAR TOMANDO REVANCHA CONTRA FLY STAR (posted by hector godfrey) Séptimo Dragon VS Látigo VS Aramis VS Toxin VS Moria (posted by Adrian Martinez) TOXIN,SEPTIMO DRAGON,ARAMIS, LATIGO  Y MORIA (posted by hector godfrey)
Latigo replaced Fly Warrior. This was advertised as getting a shot at the Cruiserweight championshi, but they meant the Junior championship, currently held by Astrolux.
5) Atomic Star, Metaleón, Rafy b Fly Star, Fulgor I, Fulgor II Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) FLY STAR FULGOR 1 Y 2 CONTRA METALEON ATOMICK Y RAFFY (posted by hector godfrey) Fulgor I, Fulgor II y Fly Star VS Metaleon, Atomik Star y Raffy (posted by Adrian Martinez) METALEON ATOMICK STAR Y RAFFY VS FLY STAR Y FULGOR I Y II (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Metaleón, Tortuga Rafy y Atomick Star vs Fly Star y los Fulgores I y II en Mexa Westling (posted by Estrellas del Ring) METALEON,ATOMICK Y RAFFY  GANAN SU LUCHA EN CONTRA DE FLY STAR Y FULGOR 1 Y 2 (posted by hector godfrey)
Toxin Boy attacked Fly Star so they're back to not being friends.
6) Eterno & Ricky Marvin b Belial & Impulso and Astrolux & Freelance Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD:  ETERNO Y RICKY MARVIN GANAN TAG TEAM WAR (posted by hector godfrey) Impulso y Belial VS Eterno y Ricky Marvin VS Freelance y Astrolux (posted by Adrian Martinez) Ricky Marvin y Eterno vs Belial e Impulso vs Freelance y Astrolux en Mexa Westling (posted by Estrellas del Ring) RICKY MARVIN Y ETERNO VS IMPULSO Y BELIAL VS FREELANCE Y ASTROLUX (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Ricky Marvin y Eterno vs Impulso y Belial vs Freelance y Astrolux, Mexa Wrestling (posted by mluchatv)
Astrolux replaced Mike Segura. After this match, la Nueva Hermandad Klandestina (Yoruba, Danger, Lokillus, and Sadico) was formed.
7) Felino & Mr. Niebla DQ Corsario Negro Jr. & Drako Facebook video (posted by CarxyusRing) HD: MR NIEBLA Y FELINO VENCEN A CORSARIO Y A DRAKO (posted by hector godfrey) Mr Niebla y El Felino VS Corsario Negro Jr y Drako (posted by Adrian Martinez) MR NIEBLA Y FELINO VS DRAKO Y CORSARIO NEGRO JR (posted by Videoblog Tortas Súper Astro) Mr. Niebla y el Felino vs Drako y Corsario Negro Jr en Mexa Westling. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Mr. Niebla y Felino vs Corsario Negro y Drako, Mexa Wrestling (posted by mluchatv)
Niebla fouled Drako and faked a foul to draw the DQ.

Last Updated: 2025-01-25 08:46:30

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