AroLucha (SUN) 12/10/2017 Nashville Fairgrounds Sports Arena, Nashville, Tennessee [JAMESESORRELLS]
1) Willie McClinton b Mr. 450
Willie McClinton is Willie Mack. Mack won clean with a 450 splash.
2) Máscarita Dorada b Demus
Mascarita was sitting in the front row while the show was being introduced, but Demus attacked him to start their match. Dorada got the win.
3) Keyra & Lacey Lane b Taya & Vanilla Vargas
Reby Hardy introduced herself as the (heel) authority figure over the women. She setup this match as the person who got the pinfall facing the person who didn't take the pinfall on the other team "next week". Keyra & Lane both have Varagas pinned, but Lane stops pinning before the three count. Keyra & Taya will face off for the women's title next week.
4) James Storm b Trey Miguel
Trey Miguel appeared unannounced, insulted the crowd and made an open challenge. James Storm appears as a surprise and beat him.
5) MVP DQ Sammy Guevara
MVP was DQed for pulling the ref in front of a Guevara dropkick.
6) Hurricane Helms, Jack Edwards, Máximo b Daga, Garza Jr., La Máscara
Jack Edwards is Jack Evans. Maximo pinned Daga
7) Penta 0M & Rey Mysterio Jr. b John Hennigan & Rush
A video was shown of Rush & Johnny attacking earlier in the day. Rey started the show in the ring and was confronted by John & Rush again, with Penta making the save but refusing a handshake from Rey. Rey beat John.
Last Updated: 2025-01-25 01:42:04