

PROLLM (SUN) 01/08/2017 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México
1) Mr. Barrio vs Molar
2) Kaito, Lobo Escarlata, Morbius vs Chicago Rush, Genio Rojo, Rottherdam
3) Black Out, Crisis, Dinamic King vs Aeronix, Galaktor, Versal
4) Ciber Punk & Rey Justicia vs Anubis Black & Peligro
5) Artillero & Rocky Santana vs Gallo Tapado & Magnífico and Judas el Traidor & Sombra Escarlata and Sol de Oriente & Yakuza Lucha Libre Coacalco (posted by makuilpoali ixtin)

last updated: 2024-02-28 09:24

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