
DTU (THU) 11/17/2016 Arena Aficion [+LuchaTV, Estrellas del Ring, Funcion Estelar]
1) Erwing & Irving b Masizito & Porrito
money thrown in
2) Camuflaje b Lokillo, El Exótico, Moria, Niño De Cobre
good match
3) Ángel o Demonio & Ovett b Rey Celestial & Tony Iron
Rey Celestial replaced Rey Infierno. Gio & Junior were scheduled but were moved up.
4) Gallego & Mr. Cóndor b Jimmy & Kevin
Kevin fould Mr. Condor but the referee was out of the ring. Mr. Condor did the same to Kevin, and the referee recovered in time. Nerds challenged the Diabolicos to a hair match for DTU 9.
5) Dalys & Zeuxis b La Magnifica & Lady Maravilla
Lady Maravilla replaced Zuzu Divine.
6) Drastik Boy, El Gio, El Junior b Dragón Rojo Jr. & Pólvora
Ronnie Mendoza wasn't there, so Drastick Boy tried to fight 2 v 1. Gio & Junior arrived to help him out, and they won the 3 v 2 handicap match. Gio & Junior challenges for a tag title shot at DTU9.
7) Diva Salvaje & Yuriko b Cíclope & Crazy King
Paranoiko & Toxico attacked Ciclope & Crazy King, setting up a match for DTU9. The Masizos accepted, and made up a barbed wire match.
8) Aeroboy, Black Fire, Negro Casas b Flamita, Hormiga, Místico II Negro Casas, Aero Boy y Black Fire vs Flamita, Místico y Hormiga, en DTU La Prueba Final Dos (posted by mluchatv) Negro Casas, Aero Boy y Black Fire vs Flamita, Místico y Hormiga, en DTU La Prueba Final Dos (posted by mluchatv)
Negro Casas cheated to beat Flamita for the second straight night. Flamita demanded a singles match. Black Fire & La Hormiga also confirmed their match.

Last Updated: 2025-01-24 02:48:35

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