
LLDLJ (SUN) 07/17/2016 Arena Victoria, Ecatepec, Estado de México [+LuchaTV, Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), mediotiempo]
1) Astro Lux b Black Metal
2) Fuerza Oscura b Sombra Azteca, Drolux, Antrax, Hikuri
3) Fulgor I & Fulgor II b Fly Danger & Moria Fulgor 1,2 y Andy Boy Vs La resistencia 17 Julio 2016 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring)
4) Sádico b Fandango, Rey Celestial Sádico vs Rey Celestial vs Fandango | Liga de la Justicia | 17-07-16 (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Three Way Dance SadicoVS FandangoVs Rey Celestial 17 Julio 20116 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring)
5) Kilvan, Shadow, Yoruba b Andy Boy, Fulgor I, Fulgor II Fulgor 1,2 y Andy Boy Vs La resistencia 17 Julio 2016 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Yoruba, Kilvan y Shadow vs Andy Boy, y los Fulgores, la Liga de la Justicia (posted by mluchatv) Yoruba, Kilvan y Shadow vs Fulgor I, Fulgor II y Andy Boy | Liga de la Justicia | 17-07-16 (posted by TVLuchaMundial)
The Fulgors replaced Danger King & Guerrero Mixtico.
6) Brole, Mini Multifacético, Prayer b Arez, Belial, Impulso and Centvrión, Látigo, Rayo Star Heavy Style Vs IndySrongTibles Vs Mala Hierba 17 Julio 2017 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Impulso/Arez/Belial vs Latigo/Centurion/Rayo Star vs Prayer/Blore/Mini Multifacetico  | 17-07-16 (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Indystrongtibles vs Mala Hierba vs Heavy Style, la Liga de la Justicia (posted by mluchatv)
Rayo Star replaced Fly Warrior. Los Heavy Style, after their win, proposed a rematch with one hair or mask on the line with each team.
7) Wotan b Terremoto Negro [super libre] Wotam vs Terremoto Negro | Liga de la Justicia | 17-07-16 (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Wotan Vs Terremoto  17 Julio 2016 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Wotan Vs Terremoto  17 Julio 2016 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Wotan vs Terremoto Negro, La Liga de la Justicia en Arena Victoria (17 julio 2016) (posted by mluchatv)
mask challenges followed
8) Fly Warrior b Ludark Shaitan [bull terrier] Fly Warrior vs Ludark | Liga de la Justicia | 17-07-16 (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Fly Warrior vs Ludark, Bull Terry Match en la Liga de la Justicia (17 julio 2016) (posted by mluchatv) Ludark vs Fly Warrior  [Bullterry Match] (posted by LuDarKShAiTAN) Ludark VS fly Warrior Bull Terry Match 17 Julio 2016 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring) Ludark VS fly Warrior Bull Terry Match 17 Julio 2016 (posted by Canal Imparable del Ring)
Fly Warrior replaced La Magnifica (double booked in Arena Azteca?) and won.

Last Updated: 2025-01-23 22:15:12

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