
AKE (FRI) 02/19/2016 Cancha de Fut 5, Tijuana, Baja California [The Gladiatores]
1) Peregrino b Chavo Ortega PEREGRINO DERROTA A CHAVO ORTEGA (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
2) Big Boy, Damballa, Thunder Kid b Efekto, Rey Cobra, X Trago THUNDER KID, DAMBALA Y BIG BOY DERROTAN A REY COBRA, EFEKTO Y X TRAGO (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
3) Lady Lee b Amazona, Cristal, Gatubela [AKE WOMEN] LADY LEE SE CORONA COMO CAMPEONA FEMENIL AKE (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
new title. Gatubela was hurt and stretechered out. Cristal & Lady Lee beat Amazon, then Lady Lee defeated Cristal
4) Mosco Negro b Búfalo Ayala MOSCO NEGRO DERROTA A BÚFALO AYALA (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
win via top rope Canadian Destroyer between usual partners
5) Shamu DQ Súper Rhyno, Scream, Amnesia [Trofeo X-Gym] SHAMU GANA A RHINO POR DESCALIFICACIÓN LA ELIMINATORIA POR EL TROFEO X GYM (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
Shamu won when Amnesia gave him a martinete for the DQ. Amnesia wants an apuesta match.
6) Hijo del Fishman, Juventud 2000, Seiya b Arandú, Éxtassis, Venum Black CHILANGOS VENCEN A TIJUANENSES EN LA CASA DE LA LUCHA EXTREMA (posted by 126f Pro Wrestling Magazine)
1/3. Juventud beat Venum with the aid of some chairs. Juventud challenged Nicho to an extreme match. Nicho appeared to accept, though Crazy Frank and Arandu may also be involved.

Last Updated: 2025-01-23 18:07:30

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