
LLT (SUN) 01/24/2016 Nueva Arena Tijuana, Tijuana, Baja California [126f, The Gladiatores]
1) Chico Maravilla b Guerrero Aquiles 1ra LLT CHICO MARAVILLA VS REY AQUILES (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
2) Black Phantom & Martinete b Black Saygon & X-Peria 2da LLT Black Phantom, Martinete vs Xperia, Black Saigon (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
3) Galáctico, Mirage, Rey Humilde b Efekto, Scream, Shamu 3ra LLT Galactico, Humilde Jr, Mirage vs Efecto, Shamu, Scream (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
4) Camaleón de Oro, Juventud 2000, Ryan Kidd, Súper Xolo b Dick Angelo Jr., Misionero de la Muerte, Mosco Negro, Rey Cobra 4ta LLTjuventud 2000, Camaleon de Oro, Super Xolo, Ryan Kid vs Rey Cobra, Dick Angelo, Mosco Negro, (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
Camaleon's saw took 1/3. Super Xolo wants a title match against Rey Cobra.
5) Arandú, Mozambique, TJ Boy b Black Boy, Cardenal Jr., Clásico 5ta LLT Arandu, TJ Boy, Mosambique VS  Clasico, Cardenal, Blackboy  24 ENE 16 (posted by Tijuana Pro Wrestling)
Mozambique defeated Clasico after a Misionero de la Muerte distraction.

Last Updated: 2025-01-23 17:41:46

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