indy (SUN) 11/29/2015 Arena Nueva Brasil, Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas
1) Princess Tiger vs Guerrero Espacial Jr.
2) Black Snake & Tri Black vs Black Demon & The Tiger Jr.
3) Espantapájaros vs Máscara Suprema, Zebru Jr. [ANB HEAVY]
4) Misterio Negro vs Alan Crespo [mask, hair, bull terrier]
5) Amenaza Del Norte II, Kendor, Maravilla Lopez vs Bella Karina, El Alabnil, Master Boy [? TAG, COAHUILA ?]
Kendor & Marvilla Lopez are tag champs, Albanil is coahuil champion, unclear how match works.
Event Notes: end of season
Last Updated: 2024-12-27 01:00:05