
CMLL Elite (SUN) 11/08/2015 Arena México [CMLL]
1) Dinamic Black & Metaleón b Cancerbero & Raziel
moved to the opener.
2) Amapola, Dalys, Zeuxis b Estrellita, Silueta, Syuri
Dalys & Zeuxis challenged for the REINA tag team titles held by Silueta and Syuri.
3) Ángel de Oro & Golden Magic b Gran Guerrero & Kamaitachi
Tecnicos won despite Golden Magic being hurt on a dive.
4) Blue Panther, Blue Panther Jr., The Panther b Negro Navarro, Trauma I, Trauma II CMLL VS ELITE TRAUMAS EXITOSO DEBUT ARENA MÉXICO # 1 08 NOV 2015 (posted by decadas80s90s2000) CMLL VS ELITE TRAUMAS EXITOSO DEBUT ARENA MÉXICO # 2 08 NOV 2015 (posted by decadas80s90s2000) Dinastía Panther VS Dinastía Navarro, Arena México, Lucha Libre Elite, 8-11-15 (posted by MisticieroTV)
Panthers took 1/3, Blue Panther submitting Negro Navarro in the third.
5) Bestia 666, Damián 666, Halloween DQ Máximo Sexy, Valiente, Volador Jr. Part 1 (posted by decadas80s90s2000) Part 2 (posted by decadas80s90s2000) Volador Jr, Máximo y Valiente vs La Familia de Tijuana, Elite 8 11 2015 (posted by mluchatv)
Damian faked a foul from Maximo to draw a DQ. Maximo challenged everyone to a hair match.
6) La Sombra & Último Guerrero b Atlantis & Carístico Carístico y Atlantis vs Último Guerrero y La Sombra, Elite 8 11 2015 (posted by mluchatv) Carístico y Atlantis VS La Sombra y Último Guerrero, Arena México, Liga Elite, 8-11-15 (posted by MisticieroTV) ÚLTIMO GUERRERO,SOMBRA VS CARISTICO,ATLANTIS 08 NOVIEMBRE 2015 (posted by decadas80s90s2000)
Rudos took 1/3, with Sombra defeating Atlantis and Ultimo Guerrero giving Caristico his first pinfall loss in Arena Mexico.

Last Updated: 2025-01-23 15:05:18

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