
DTU (SAT) 06/20/2015 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [+LuchaTV]
1) Jimmy, Kevin, Tony b Joven Maravilla, Maremoto Jr., Perro Negro Jr. and Ángeluz, Ángeluz Fly, Sky Blue Los Nerds vs Los MM y Perro Negro Jr. vs Angeluz, Angeluz Fly y Sky Blue, en DTU Ajuste de Cuentas (posted by mluchatv)
2) Lokillo b Kid Cometa, Artikus, Drastik Boy Draztick Boy vs Lokillo vs Articuz vs Kid Cometa, en DTU Ajuste de Cuentas 2015 (posted by mluchatv)
3) Cíclope & Pesadilla b Crazy Boy & Drastik Boy and El Junior & El Nene Crazy Boy y Pesadilla vs El Junior y El Nene vs Cíclope y Miedo Extremo, en DTU Ajuste de Cuentas (posted by mluchatv)
During the show, Black Fire announced Slayer Pack had left DTU (personal reasons) so the tag titles they held are now vacant. Their match against Chato/Junior was canceled (as with Paranoiko/Hormiga match?) and the card was completely changed around except for the last two matches.
4) Rocky Lobo b Masamune Rocky Lobo vs Masamune, en DTU Ajuste de Cuentas 2015 (posted by mluchatv)
5) Lanzeloth b Flamita, Jinzo [DTU AI, #1 Contenders] Flamita vs Jinzo vs Lanzelot, en DTU Ajuste de Cuentas 2015 (posted by mluchatv)
winner faces Jonathan Gresham at some point. Said to be a very good match.
6) Rich Swann © b Séptimo Dragón [FIP HEAVY] Rich Swann vs Séptimo Dragón, por el Campeonato Mundial Completo FIP (posted by mluchatv)
Swann retained his title in a very good match.

Last Updated: 2025-01-23 09:33:14

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