

ALT (SAT) 06/06/2015 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo
1) Flama 2000 & Ricoche vs Cadavérico & Guerrillero
2) Invasor, Súper Sports, Tiger Man vs Comisario, Máquina Infernal, Odiseus
3) Desconocido & Herradura De Plata vs Guerrero Ónix & Janitzio
4) Artikus, Piloto Infernal, Rocky Lobo vs Danger, Guardián Azteca, Rex Estampida
5) Jason vs Violento Jack, Amo de la Noche, Victor Doom, Lanzeloth
champions only match, though it's unclear if any of them are on the line. Vioelnto Jack is DTU champ, Jason is (Hidalgo?) middleweight champ, Lanzelot is welterweight champion, Amo de la Noche & Victor Doom are trios champs

last updated: 2024-02-21 12:18

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