

indy (SUN) 05/31/2015 Arena Aficion [Funcion Estelar]
1) Chester, Malandro, Minero b El Diávolo, Luger, Millenium
2) Dr. Boris & Krónico b El Colibrí & Tornado Negro
3) Cíclope, Colmillo Blanco, Miedo Extremo b Dragón Latino, El Colibrí, Parkita Star
Ciclope and Miedo Extremo turned on Colmillo & Dragon Latino (their grandfather and father)
4) Drastik Boy, El Avispón, El Exótico DQ El Intruso Jr., La Plaga, Slash II
excessive violence DQ

Event Notes: Karmatron, Leon Rojo & Meteoro were honored on the show. There was also a marriage on the show.

last updated: 2024-02-21 10:55

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