
Chilanga Mask (SUN) 05/17/2015 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México [Black Terry Jr. (Flickr), Estrellas del Ring, Mano a Mano, Tercera Caida]
1) Aramis & Iron Kid b Arez & Belial and Ciber Punk & Garrobo Punk Belial y Arez vs Irón Kid y Aramis en Chilanga Mask. (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Ciber Punk y Garrobo Punk vs Iron Kid y Aramis vs Arez y Belial, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Good match. Arez & Beilal attacked the winners and wanted a rematch.
2) Aéreo (Ciudad Juarez) & Rey Apocalipsis b Alas de Acero & Impulso Rey Apocalipsis y Aéreo vs Impulso y Alas de Acero, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Both one night teams broke up after the match, with Alas de Acero & Impulso challenging to an apuest match.
3) Caifan b Aero Boy Aero Boy vs Caifán, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv) Caifan vs Aeroboy en Chilanga Mask (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Highlights Caifan vs Aeroboy (posted by TVLuchaMundial)
good match.
4) Silueta DRAW Keira Keira vs Silueta, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv) Silueta vs Keira en Chilanga Mask (posted by Estrellas del Ring)
5) Latin Dragón b Psico Kid Latin Dragon vs Psycko Kid, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
6) Rey Horus b Flamita Flamita vs Rey Horus en Chilanga Mask (posted by Estrellas del Ring) Flamita VS Rey Horus, Chilanga Mask, 17/05/15 (posted by MisticieroTV) Highlights Rey Horus vs Flamita (posted by TVLuchaMundial) Rey Horus vs Flamita, en Chilanga Mask (posted by mluchatv)
Said to be one of the best matches of the year.

Last Updated: 2025-01-23 04:39:34

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