WWS (SUN) 02/01/2015 Coliseo Coacalco, Coacalco, Estado de México [Medio Tiempo, TerceraCaida]
1) Sexy Girl b Fairy Bell
Fairy Bell's debut. Phantom Queen, also debuting, attacked Fire Bell after the match.
2) Ishtar vs Jezebeth, Lady Soldier
3) Sexy Ángel b Princesa Mohicana
4) Star Fire b Princesa Ahy Leen, Xena, Lady Dragón, Diosa Atenea, Arumi, India Mazahua, Blue Danger (2014) [WWS WORLD, torneo]
Star Fire became the first champion, defeating Atenea for the win. Sexy Angel and Diosa Atenea asked for title matches.
5) Vanely b Guerrera Cephei [hair]
hair match between masked wrestlers (who wrestle with their hair out)
Last Updated: 2025-01-22 06:34:21