
DTU (SUN) 12/21/2014 Nueva Arena Poza Rica, Poza Rica, Veracruz [DTU (mask match)]
1) Meteoro & Piloto vs ? & ??
2) El Chato, El Nene, Junior vs Aéreo Power, Ángel Azul, Ferrari Última Generación
3) Artikus & Lanzeloth vs ? & Kalibus and ?? & ???
4) Drastik Boy & Príncipe Halcón vs Cotty Santiago & Low Rider and Jinzo & Rocky Lobo
5) Jimmy, Kevin, Tony vs ?, ??, Byron Temerario
6) Infierno, Patriarca, Sádico vs Black Baby, Príncipe Infernal, Sepultura [POZA RICA TRIOS]
7) Crazy King & Miedo Extremo vs ? & Crazy Boy
8) Ángel o Demonio & Cíclope (DTU) vs Black Fire & Slayer Pack and Ovett & Violento Jack
9) Corazón Latino & Miedo Extremo b Ángel Satanico, Crazy King, Ferrari Última Generación, King Lion [losers advance]
Two teams (Latino/Ferrari & Lion/Satanico) who lost in Arena Lopez Mateos, with the Masizos team of Miedo/King added for no particular reason.
10) Miedo Extremo b Corazón Latino [mask]
match set up by the previous day's show in Arena Lopez Mateos (only Extremo wasn't on that one.) Corazon Latino is Daniel Tobon Durante, from Neza, 35 years old, 14 years a wrestler, 2 years in DTU.

Last Updated: 2025-01-22 00:28:19

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