
DTU (THU) 11/27/2014 Autolavado VM, Tulancingo, Hidalgo [DTU (1), DTU (2), DTU (3), DTU (4), DTU (5), DTU (6), DTU (7), DTU (8), DTU (9)]
1) Violento Jack b Black Baby [chairs, Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, quarterfinal]
Black Baby was a surprise wrestler. Violento Jack won with a lairat in 8:59.
2) Paranoiko b Jhonky [thumbtacks, Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, quarterfinal]
7:14, powerbomb onto tacks
3) Cíclope b Aero Boy [barbed wire, Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, quarterfinal]
11:51, front suplex onto a table with barbed wire
4) Ángel o Demonio b Ovett [barbed wire bat, Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, quarterfinal]
19:34, arm submission with barbed wire bat
5) El Junior, El Nene, Kalibus b Jimmy, Kevin, Tony
25:34. Los Nerds want a apuesta match on the 12/19 DTU show back here in Tulancingo
6) Cíclope b Ovett [Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, semifinal]
14:36, powerbomb onto light tubes
7) Violento Jack b Paranoiko [Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, semifinal]
16:27, ViolentoDriver
8) Drastik Boy & Zema Ion b Hacker & Séptimo Dragón and Black Fire & Slayer Pack
22:58, Ion & Drastick beat Septimo & Hacker
9) Cíclope b Violento Jack [Maxima Ofrenda Ultraviolenta, final]
18:14, via shining wizard after a match with barbed wire, light tubes and industrial saws

Last Updated: 2025-01-21 19:47:12

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