
CMLL (SUN) 04/13/2014 Arena Coliseo [BxB Fly (music video), CMLL, LuchaWorld]
1) Pequeño Violencia & Pequeño Warrior b Fantasy & Último Dragóncito * Fantasy & Ultimo Dragoncito vs Pequeno Violencia & Pequeno Warrior, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Rudos took 2/3.
2) Arkángel de la Muerte, Nitro, Sangre Azteca b Hombre Bala Jr., Star Jr., Starman * Hombre Bala Jr., Star Jr., Starman vs Arkangel de la Muerte, Nitro, Sangre Azteca, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Rudos took 1/3.
3) La Seductora, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sugheit b Lady Afrodita, Marcela, Silueta * Lady Afrodita, Marcela, Silueta vs La Seductora, Princesa Blanca, Princesa Sugheit, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Rudas took 1/3 in a rough match.
4) Tiger b Delta [lightning] * Delta vs Tiger in a lightning match, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Tiger won with a backcracker with 7:10
5) Diamante Azul, La Máscara, Titán b Euforia, Pierroth, Último Guerrero * * Diamante Azul, La Mascara, Titan vs Euforia, Pierroth, Ultimo Guerrero, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Tecnicos took 1/3.
6) Marco Corleone, Máximo, Valiente b Dragón Rojo Jr., Pólvora, Rey Escorpión * * Marco Corleone, Maximo, Valiente vs Dragon Rojo Jr., Polvora, Rey Escorpion, on DailyMotion (posted by thecubsfan)
Tecnicos took 1/3. Maximo and Rey Escorpion agreed to a hair match, again.

BxB Fly (music video)

Last Updated: 2025-01-20 11:20:19

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