EMLL (FRI) 06/24/1983 Arena México [Halcon 583, Matt Farmer, RB, SL479] Attendance: 15000
1) Franco Colombo & Hombre Bala b El Enfermero Jr. & Jerry Estrada [MEX MIDDLE, torneo]
2) Américo Rocca & Kung Fu b Carlos Plata & Talismán
Rocca filled in for Kato Kung Lee
3) El Jalisco & Gran Cochisse b El Supremo I & Satánico [MEX MIDDLE, torneo]
4) Lizmark, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Villano III DQ Herodes, MS-1, Pirata Morgan
MS-1 accidentally pulled off Villano III's mask for the DQ.
5) Solar II DQ El Enfermero Jr. [mask]
16:54. Match was supposed to be Crucero I vs Solar II. The change was announced during the show (refunds were offered.) Enfermero Jr. won the first with a cruceta in 4:40, Solar took the second with a Cerrajera in 3:55, and Enfermero was DQed in the third in 8:19 when Solar faked a foul Enfermero Jr. was unmasked as Jamie Alvarez, and would be known as Jaque Mate.
6) Espectro Jr. DQ Sangre Chicana [super libre]
DQ in a super libre match. Disappointing match, not the street fight which had been expected. Espectro took straight falls, Sangre ripped off Espectro's mask in the second. Mask/hair match challenges followed.
7) Cachorro Mendoza & Ringo Mendoza © DQ La Fiera & Mocho Cota [MEX TAG]
first defense. Fiera accidentaly fouled Ringo for the DQ.

Event Notes: listed as sell out in some sources. Match order may not be correct. Intended to be the last show of the run in Arnea Mexico, but they ended up extending

Last Updated: 2025-01-19 08:10:07

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