
CMLL (SUN) 09/09/2012 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara [Fuego en el Ring, Informador] Attendance: 1500
1) Demonio Rojo b El Tapatío
2) Brillante & Meteoro b Relámpago Azul & Spark
3) Bárbaro Cavernario & Magnum b Sky Kid & Smaker
Barbaro fouled Smaker and asked for a title match.
4) Rush © b Rey Bucanero [CMLL LH]
Two quick falls and a less than satisfying third fall to decide. Rush accidentally dropkicked the ref, Bucanero got a visual pin, Bucanero checked on the ref, Rush grabbed Bucanero and submitted for his loss.
5) In Memoriam L Metatrón, Infierno, Esfinge, Acertijo, Black Metal, Halcón de Plata, Mr. Trueno [cage, mask] CMLL - Lucha en Jaula (posted by Don Luchas)
Luchadors were required to stay in 8 minutes. Order of escape was Acertijo, Metraton, Halcon de Plata, Mr. Trueno, Black Metal, and Infierno. As normal under CMLL rules, the last two - In Memoriam & Esfinge - faced off in a one fall match, and Esfinge won with a puente olimpico. In Memoriam was revealed to be Manual Campos Ornelas, from Guadalajara, 3 years a wrestler, 20 years a wrestler.

Last Updated: 2025-01-19 07:54:57

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