indy (SAT) 08/25/2012 Escuela de Lucha Libre Antonio Peña, Acapulco, Guerrero [Estrellas del Ring]
1) Black King & Orus b Galactic Boy & Korlash
2) El Diablo Rojo III, Estrella Divina, Sexy Lola b El Delfín, Guerrero Vengador, Manimal
3) Ángel Star, Temible Ares II, Vanguardia b Dark Night, Princesa Venus, Temible Ares I [Relevos Increíbles]
4) Súper Loco b Thunder Bright, Kaiser [hair, bull terrier]
Astro Nave was scheduled for the match, but did not appear, so the match was reconfigred. Kaiser escaped the match first, Bright look Loco's hair.
5) Sangre Costeña L Garra Mortal, Diablo Rojo I, Diosa Guerrera, Rey Nocturno, Brandon, Brian, Dark Ciborg, Spaw, Diva Virtual, Payaso Malo, Ángel Guerrero, La Kalaca, Kid Silver, El Argentino, Rey Cobra, Cometa, Voltaje, Kid Power, Fuego Dorado [cage, mask]
wrestlers stayed in the match 10 minutes. Dark Ciborg was first out. Final four were Rey Nocturno, Brandon, Sangre Costena and Garra Mortal. Nocturno escaped, Brandon followed while the other two fought. Garra Mortal kept his hair by escaping before Sangre Costena. Costena is Juan Cebrero Benítez, 6 years a wrestler, from Coyuca de Benítez
Last Updated: 2025-01-19 07:46:14