AULL (SUN) 12/25/2011 Arena Lopez Mateos [R de Rudo]
1) ? vs ??
2) ? vs ??
3) ? vs ??
4) Flamita, Súper Nova, Yakuza b Epitafio, Herejía, Trauma II
Ronny, Kilvan, Hombre sin Rostro attacked Epitafio after the loss.
5) Hormiga Atómica, Rey Krystal, Súper Panda, Tortuguillo Ninja b Hombre sin Rostro, Kilvan, Pequeño Demonio, Ronny Ventura
Team Kristal took falls 2/3. After the match, Epitafio ran out to attack Ronny Venturs. Kilvan and Hombre sin Rostro helped Ronny, only for two mystery men to help Epitafio and set up a six man tag.
6) Iron Love b Chico del Barrio [hair]
Chico del Barrio hit the referee in the first fall for the DQ, won the second, and Iron Love came off the top rope to win.
7) Ray Mendoza Jr. & Villano IV © b Chucho el Roto & Héctor Garza [UWE TAG]
Chucho el Roto replaced Texano Jr. Perhaps part of the El Consejo gimmick is inexplicable no-shows. This was moved to the semimain, so perhaps they knew there was no point in waiting for Texano to show up. Garza & Chucho were unfriendly partners. Villanos attacked the challengers during the photo and got the quick first fall win. Garza & Chucho won the second, and Chucho was pinning V4 for the win when Garza pulled V4's mask for the DQ. (Or maybe they moved this to the semimain when they decided to have such a horrible finish.)
Last Updated: 2025-01-18 22:47:08