indy (SAT) 10/29/2011 Cancha de Usos Múltiples, Col. Tlaltenango, Cuernavaca, Morelos [Estrellas del Ring]
1) Leopardo b Icaro
via foul
2) Diesel & Krimen b Raksas & Rey Cobra
Diesel replaced Comodin
3) Cachorro, Eufóriko, Hechicero b Anubis, El Juez, Fénix (Cuernavaca)
before the match, Bisonte jumped in the ring and asked for a chance to enter the promotion
4) Máximo & Shocker b Mr. Niebla & Rey Bucanero
tecnicos took 2/3

last updated: 2024-02-14 01:48

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